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While the sentinel hesitated what to do, his attention was called to a loud noise at the door, where a crowd had been assembled in consequence of the appalling cry, that the enemy were upon them, occasioned, as it afterwards proved, by some stragglers having at length discovered the dead bodies of Nanty Ewart and of Nixon.

'Who be you, and what do you want at this time of night? 'We want to come to speech of the ladies of the Misses Arthuret, said Nanty; 'and to ask lodging for a sick man.

He then had recourse to the Sallust, which he had at first sought for in vain. As he opened the book, Nanty Ewart, who had been looking over his shoulder, made his own opinion heard. 'I think now, brother, if you are so much scandalized at a little piece of sculduddery, which, after all, does nobody any harm, you had better have given it to me than have flung it into the Solway.

It was with difficulty that Fairford could get over the side of the vessel, and he could not seat himself on the stern of the boat without assistance from the captain and his people. Nanty Ewart, who saw nothing in this worse than an ordinary fit of sea-sickness, applied the usual topics of consolation.

At last Miss Ethel finished her business, closed her little notebook and made a brisk remark about the building in the next field, because she was always very careful not to hurt Miss Panton's feelings. "Delightful! Delightful!" said Nanty, seeking the appropriate conversational counter "at least, I bean " She paused, breathed hard, and added with a rush: "I'm sure Mr.

Fairford, and farewell, Madam Arthuret, for I have been too long here. So saying, he and his two companions threw themselves on horseback, and went off at a gallop. Yet, even above the clatter of their hoofs did the incorrigible Nanty hollo out the old ballad A lovely lass to a friar came, To confession a-morning early; 'In what, my dear, are you to blame?

Nanty Ewart betook himself to steering the brig, and the very touch of the helm seemed to dispel the remaining influence of the liquor which he had drunk, since, through a troublesome and intricate channel, he was able to direct the course of his little vessel with the most perfect accuracy and safety.

Antony or Nanty Ewart, whose person, although he was a good deal flustered with liquor, was different from what Fairford expected.

Amidst all this apparent confusion there was the essential regularity. Nanty Ewart again walked his quarter-deck as if he had never tasted spirits in his life, issued the necessary orders with precision, and saw them executed with punctuality.

"Who on-tied, who on-tied Po' Nanty Dane O?" and Dumps answering back, "Pig-un-a-wa-ya, Pig-un-a-wa-ya, hooo-hooo!" "MAMMY, the quarter folks are goin' ter play to-night; can't we go look at 'em?" pleaded Diddie one Saturday evening, as Mammy was busy sorting out the children's clothes and putting them away. "Yer allers want ter be 'long er dem quarter-folks," said Mammy.