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Updated: August 10, 2024

"Mother," said the daughter, "there's no relief, then? You came as you went, I see." "I came as I went, Nanty; but there is relief. There's relief for the poor of this world in Heaven; but on this earth, an' in this world, there is none for us glory be to the name of God, still." "So Skinadre refused, then?" said her husband; "he wouldn't give the meal?"

'My name is Peter Peebles, then, said the litigant, rather sulkily, as one who thought his liquor too sparingly meted out to him; 'and what have you to say to that? 'Peter Peebles? repeated Nanty Ewart and seemed to muse upon something which the words brought to his remembrance, while the Quaker pursued his examination. 'But I prithee, Peter Peebles, what is thy further designation?

Nanty Ewart had now given the helm to one of his people, a bald-pated, grizzled old fellow, whose whole life had been spent in evading the revenue laws, with now and then the relaxation of a few months' imprisonment, for deforcing officers, resisting seizures, and the like offences.

The familiar "seeb" the sudden picture of poor old Nanty waiting there for those callers, descendants of her papa's substantial circle, who never came the glow of a generous girl newly engaged who wants to make everybody else happy all this had influenced Laura to say, without waiting to think: "Come and live with me until I am married. I'd simply love to have you, Nanty.

'No indeed, said Fairford; 'I am utterly ignorant of what you allude to. 'Now, by Jove! said Nanty Ewart, 'thou art either the deepest or the shallowest fellow I ever met with or you are not right after all. I wonder where Summertrees could pick up such a tender along-shore. Will you let me see his letter?

He called to Nanty Ewart, and expressed his surprise at the course they were pursuing, and asked why they did not stand straight across the Firth for some port in Cumberland. 'Why, this is what I call a reasonable question, now, answered Nanty; 'as if a ship could go as straight to its port as a horse to the stable, or a free-trader could sail the Solway as securely as a King's cutter!

'As honest a fellow as is of a thousand, answered Nanty. 'Ah, how much good brandy he and I have made little of in our day! By my soul, Mr.

But never mind; it will do I have known them take in a whole sloop's crew that were stranded on the sands. 'You may run some risk, though, by turning up to Fairladies; for I tell you they are all up through the country. 'Never mind I may chance to put some of them down again, said Nanty, cheerfully. 'Come, lads, bustle to your tackle. Are you all loaded?

'Why, no more they would, ma'am, answered Nanty, 'could they find a Papist lubber that knew the coast as I do; then I am trusty as steel to owners, and always look after cargo live lumber, or dead flesh, or spirits, all is one to me; and your Catholics have such d d large hoods, with pardon, ma'am, that they can sometimes hide two faces under them.

'As Peter Peebles of the great plea of Poor Peter Peebles against Plainstanes, ET PER CONTRA if I am laird of naething else, I am ay a DOMINUS LITIS. 'It's but a poor lairdship, I doubt, said Joshua. 'Pray, Mr. Peebles, said Nanty, interrupting the conversation abruptly, 'were not you once a burgess of Edinburgh? 'WAS I a burgess! said Peter indignantly, 'and AM I not a burgess even now?

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