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"To Vienna, indeed! Well, I am glad you did not miss Reisenburg; you must not quit it now. You know that this is not the Vienna season?" "I am aware of it; but I am such a restless person that I never regulate my movements by those of other people" "But surely you find Reisenburg agreeable?" "Very much so; but I am a confirmed wanderer. "Why are you?" asked the lady, with great naivete.

This idea seemed beyond Lily's perfect comprehension. She paused before she answered, with the naivete of a child six years old, "I see now why I mastered Blanche, who will not make friends with any one else: I love Blanche. Ah, that reminds me, come and look at the picture."

He should not have cared just then to ask what I thought, or what anybody thought, but he did care, and he was too natural to conceal, too impulsive to repress his wish. Well! if I blamed his over-eagerness, I liked his naivete. I would have praised him: I had plenty of praise in my heart; but, alas! no words on my lips. Who has words at the right moment?

There was in Evelyn still, with the penetration of the woman, the naivete of the child. "I cannot say that he is personally very fascinating, but then I have never talked with him." "Mamma says he is very interesting about his family, and their place in England, and about his travels. He has been in the South Sea Islands. I asked him about them.

From his childhood he had borne a secret sorrow in his heart the sorrow of seeing his young brother Carl preferred to himself. Not only was Carl the darling of his parents, but he was the pet and plaything of the whole palace. True, the poor little archduke was not gifted with the grace and charming naivete of his brother.

"What I say to you now though, by the way, I've never said it before that your self-confidence is appalling. Don't you know that I'm very popular, that they say I'm clever, and that I'm a tall, good-looking girl?" She looked down at him, and said it with such a delightful naivete, through which a tone of raillery ran, that it did not sound as it may read.

On that dark morning we woke up, and it instantly occurred to us or at any rate to those of us who have preserved some of our illusions and our naïveté that we had something to be cheerful about, some cause for a gay and strenuous vivacity; and then we remembered that it was New Year's Day, and there were those Resolutions to put into force!

I know girls who have them, and they are always worrying." He laughed in spite of himself; and though she had been speaking with the utmost seriousness and naivete, she joined him. When they ceased, she returned suddenly to the charge. "Now tell me what I have done this afternoon that isn't right," she said, "that Lucia Gaston wouldn't have done, for instance.

Augustine she reads with pleasure, and she is charmed with Bossuet and Pascal; but she is not very devout, though she often tries to be. There is a serious naivete in all her efforts in this direction. She seems to have always one eye upon the world while she prays, and she mourns over her own lack of devotion. "I wish my heart were for God as it is for you," she writes to her daughter.

So important has he always considered a constant study of Renaissance art that recently, when about to commence his Triumph of Bacchus, Carolus copied one of Rubens’s larger canvases with all the naïveté of a beginner. An occasion soon presented itself for us to learn another side of our trade by working with our master on a ceiling ordered of him by the state for the Palace of the Luxembourg.