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Updated: August 26, 2024

When she came in, Art turned his back to her, for fraid she'd see the state the gorsoon was in but now she noticed it "'Oh, murdher, murdher, says she, clapping her hands, and running over to him, 'what has happened my child? oh! murdher, murdher, this is your work, murdherer! says she to Larry. 'Oh, you villain, are you bent on murdhering all of us are you bent on destroying us out o' the face!

I needn't say, howsomever, that he went in to his dinner with a light heart and a murdhering appetite; and when the ould fellow axed him how he was coming on, Jack tould him he was doing gloriously. 'Remember the empty hook, Jack, said he. 'Never fear, your honor, answered Jack, 'if I don't finish my task, you may bob my head off anytime.

"Why, they found his hat in a bog-hole upon the water, and on searching the hole itself poor Larry was fished up from the bottom of it." "Well, that's a murdhering sorrowful story," said Shane Fadh: "but you won't be after passing that on us for the wake, ainy how." "Well, you must learn patience, Shane," said the narrator, "for you know patience is a virtue."

But I'll take leave to tell you, Sir, that a gentleman, whether he be a "youth" as you say, or aged, as you are, who endayvours to make himself diverting at the expense of others, runs a murdhering good risk, Sir, of getting himself scratched where he'll like it least.

"Isn't Tom Steele a Protesthant himself, John?" "Well, I believe he is. So's Gray, and more of 'em too; but there's a difference between them and the downright murdhering Tory set. Poor Tom doesn't throuble the Church much; but you'll be all for Protesthants now, Martin, when you've your new brother-in-law. Barry used to be one of your raal out-and-outers!"

Her father had not yet sat down, and it was, indeed, well that he had not for it required all his activity and strength united, to intercept the meditated blow, by seizing his daughter's arm. "Sarah," said he, "what is this? are you mad, you murdhering jade, to attempt the vagabond's life? for she is a vagabond, and an ill-tongued vagabond.

"Ye big murdhering spalpeen," burst out the angry Irishman, "ye think it's a fine thing to try and shtop a man that's trying to do his duty, and think yerself a fightin' man, bekass ye can lick a man that doesn't want to fight. This isn't any Forest Service scrap, mind ye, and I'm saying nothing about logs. I'm talking about your hittin' a weak, half-crazed boy.

"And who was -it, sur, wid submission, that murdhered you?" To this I made no reply. "I say," continued Ned, "in the name of G-o-o-d-ness who was it that took the liberty of murdhering you, dacent man?" "Ned Corrigan," I answered, giving his own name. "Hem! God presarve us! Ned Corrigan!" he exclaimed. "What Ned, for there's two of them is it myself or the other vagabone?"

A flood of radiance from the relighted student lamp fell athwart the floor. The girl lay close and still, holding her breath. Ten seconds, perhaps, ticked on into Eternity: seconds that were in themselves eternities. Then: "No one here, O'Hagan." The door was closed, and through its panels more faintly came: "Faith, and the murdhering divvle must've flew th' coop afore ye come in, sor."

"You'll find it's quite enough to get us into throuble. And why wouldn't you tell me what was going on between you?" "There was nothing going on between us." "I say there was; and to go and invaigle me into your schames without knowing a word about it! It was a murdhering shame of you and av' I do have to pay for it, I'll never forgive you." "That's right, mother; quarrel with me about it, do.

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