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The American officer shook hands warmly. "General, it is a pleasure to meet a man like you. Mexico is fortunate in having such a son." Culvera beamed. "Gracias. And now, captain, first a bath, then dinner. Afterwards you shall talk with the moving-picture men." He turned affably to Yeager. "I shall give orders that you be given a good dinner to-night. To-morrow we shall pass judgment on you."

He was getting them already. The opportunity to wear seven dollar patent leather shoes and a bell-shaped overcoat with a silk collar, to lounge into moving-picture shows and eat chocolates and smoke cigarettes all these opportunities he was gathering immediately. Presently, when he learned his way round a little, he would get still bigger ones. "He's improving fast," said mother.

And besides, he is teaching the entire royal family the latest American dances." "Well, if you care to know what we have been up to," said Edestone, "I don't mind telling you that we have been arranging for a little moving-picture entertainment here at the Embassy. Have we your permission to go ahead with it? It would be a little treat for the people here in the house."

"You've had an interesting life, haven't you?" observed Lucy, manipulating Jo's scalp till the skin tingled pleasantly. "I wish I could have met you when I was writing moving-picture scenarios. What a character you would have made for the heroine of a Western thriller!" "Oh, you've written scenarios! How interesting! And and if this isn't trespassing on delicate ground sold them?" Lucy tittered.

"Certainly a dramatic opening for a mystery picture," he remarked, suddenly, as though his mind had wandered from his problem to other things. "We must admit that Millard can handle a moving-picture scenario most beautifully."

"You jump right off the cars and then Turn round and jump right on again." This fragment of a song, sung at a "moving-picture" show in the town hall, and resung many times thereafter by Ezra Payne, John Brown's predecessor as assistant keeper at the lights, recurred to him as he urged the weary Joshua onward. So far as Seth knew, the Reno custom might be universal.

But Tish, who had the glasses, reported finally that it was the moving-picture man. We were greatly surprised, as it had not occurred to us that this would be a part of the program.

"Anything else you got on your mind, Colonel?" I ast him. "Well, I just seen a chance to make a little speculation in a moving-picture company," says he. "I didn't put in much only two, three hundred thousand dollars; but I didn't know but what it might make some money after a while. How would you like to be a actor man in our company, Curly?" says he.

"Think we're in some fool moving-picture play, you blamed young idiot. Put up that gun." Shrilly Bob retorted. He was excited enough to be dangerous. "Don't you get the wrong idea. I'm going to make this stick. You'll turn and go back with me to the Circle C." "And you'll travel to Yuma first thing you know, you young Jesse James. What you need is a pair of leather chaps applied to your hide."

Pete, you pick it up just as she gets to the horse's shoulder and starts to turn. Don't forget that sob, Gay. Ready? Camera!" Jean was absorbed, fascinated by this glimpse into a new and very busy little world, the world of moving-picture makers. She leaned forward and watched every moment, every little detail.