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The class grinds were hailed with keen relish. Each girl solemnly rose to take her medicine in the form of mild ridicule over some past harmless folly. The class prophecy provoked ripples of merriment from the audience. Grace chuckled with glee at the idea of exclusive Ethel Post becoming the proprietor of a moving-picture show at Coney Island.

It was in the same year that Dr. Jenks took the novel step of abandoning services in St. Basil's Chapel, now situated in a slum district, and substituting a moving-picture show with vaudeville features. Thereafter the empty chapel was filled to overcrowding on Sundays. To encourage church attendance at Sunday morning services, Dr. Jenks established a tipless barber shop.

Abbott indicated his companion "Here's one that'll last my time." The wheel stopped. He and Fran were barred into a seat. "And now," Fran exclaimed, "it's all ups and downs, just like a moving-picture of life. Why don't you say something, Mr. Ashton? But no, you can keep still I'm excited to death, and wouldn't hear you anyway. I want to do all the talking I always do, after I've been in the cage.

Pigg know what it was, but Buddy's mother and sister thought it was quite a pretty ornament, and Mrs. Pigg put it on the parlor mantle, where company could see it. Well, one day, not long after this, Dr. Pigg was home all alone, for his wife and the children had gone to a moving-picture show.

During the course of lunch she confided that her name was Kitty Mason, that she was an orphan, and that she was on her way to New York to study at a school for moving-picture actresses. "I sent my photograph and the manager wrote back that my face was one hundred per cent perfect for the movies," the girl explained.

Asquam proper is an old fishing-village on the bayside. The new Asquam has intruded with its narrow-eaved frame cottages among the gray old houses, and has shouldered away the colonial Merchants' Hall with a moving-picture theater, garish with playbills and posters.

Back through McGrue's bar we trailed like one of these moving-picture chases and into the back room. "Well, here we are home again," said I. The stranger grabbed a glass and filled it half full of soothing syrup. "Here, you aren't going to drink that!" I yelled at him. "Didn't you hear Sol tell you the dose is a spoonful?" But he didn't pay me any attention.

At almost the very same moment Dave Darrin was saying about the same thing to the captain of the Navy team. "Humph! Do those fellows think they're posing before a moving-picture machine?" The one who uttered that remark was turnback Haynes. He had come on to the field with a scowling face, and the scowl was likely to deepen steadily.

"When they threw me out of the yawl into three feet of surf, I waded ashore and sat down under a palm-tree. By and by a fine-looking white man with a red face and white clothes, genteel as possible, but somewhat under the influence, came and sat down beside me. "I had noticed there was a kind of a village back of the beach, and enough scenery to outfit a dozen moving-picture shows.

Pepperill looked pained, not knowing just how to prevent such jocoseness on the part of his adversary. "I object," he muttered feebly. "Quite properly!" agreed Mr. Tutt. "Now, Mr. Kahoots, are you a citizen of the United States?" Mr. Kahoots looked aggrieved. "Me? No! Me no citizen. I go back sometime Acre and build moving-picture garden and ice-cream palace." "I thought so," commented Mr. Tutt.