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'It's all right, he said, in his fussy, dictatorial way, divesting himself of his heavy motor-coat, and preparing to act as cicerone. 'This place is thrown open once a week to the public; and although this isn't a visitors' day all sorts of people come to visit Bowshott on the other days of the week.

He crawled stiffly out of the car and prepared to crank it. "I'll just give her the 'once over' now and then," he said. "She'll freeze solid if I let her stand." Grace had gone up the narrow path to the house. She had the gift of looking well in her clothes, and her small hat with its long quill and her motor-coat were chic and becoming. She never overdressed, as Christine was inclined to do.

Over her dark blue velvet dress she wore a loose motor-coat, with a great chinchilla collar, but above it Audrey, who would have given a great deal to be able to hate her, found her rather pathetic, a little droop to her mouth, dark circles which no veil could hide under her eyes. The car was in its customary resplendent condition.

I'll have you down there within two hours, all right, if we can get away before the roads are crowded." She hurried into the house. Geraldine met her on the threshold and they talked together for a few moments. Then Olive reappeared, her face beaming. "Geraldine would simply love it," she announced. "She will be here in five minutes. Could we just stop at my house for a motor-coat?" "Certainly!"

Then, in motor-cap and champagne-coloured dust-veil, Gabrielle mounted at the wheel, with the young fellow at her side and Stokes in the back, and drove away down the long avenue to the high-road. The car was her delight. Never so happy was she as when, wrapped in her leather-lined motor-coat, she drove the "sixteen."

"Put on that motor-coat and the galoshes," he commanded. "They'll cover you in case you have to run for it. I'm going to leave you here while I get you some clothes. If any of the servants butt in, don't lose your head. Just say you're waiting to see me Mr. Keep. I won't be long. Wait." "Wait!" snorted the stranger. "You BET I'll wait!"

Billy said gallantly that he didn't need any security, and that her account could run as long as she wished and that he was glad to serve her. And he got out his pad and pencil and stood in that nice way of his at attention. I listened and looked through a window at the back. I had seen her drive up, and she was stunning in the same tan motor-coat that she had worn when we first saw her.

Cheer up, dear, and remember that sometime this afternoon you're going to see Mr. Bryce smile again, and perhaps there won't be so much of a cloud over his smile this time." When Moira returned to the office of the Cardigan Redwood Lumber Company, Shirley rang for her maid. "Bring me my motor-coat and hat, Thelma," she ordered, "and telephone for the limousine."

There were dainty feminine trifles littered in the big armchair, and a motor-coat hung upon the hook of the bathroom door. A small cabin-trunk in one corner of the room bore the initials: "M. L." Max dropped back into the incredible library with a stifled gasp. "Pardieu!" he said. "It is Mrs. Leroux that I have found!"

He wore a light motor-coat, and he was plainly endeavouring to soften the severity of his saturnine face with a smile of beaming kindliness. "Well, here I am!" said Bruce Carmyle cheerily. "Are you ready?" With the coming of daylight a certain penitence had descended on Mr. Carmyle.