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"I am afraid," murmured Gatton dryly, "it will have to be." The Eurasian fully opened his glittering black eyes, and fixing them upon the speaker: "It will not be repeated," he said harshly. "If I am misunderstood, inform me." His peremptory manner in the circumstances was extraordinary uncanny. As I had perceived in the first hour of our meeting, Dr.

How is Cobbett to say this and not be misunderstood, blackened as he is with the smoke of a lifelong conflict in the field of political practice? how is Mr. Carlyle to say it and not be misunderstood, after his furious raid into this field with his Latter-day Pamphlets? how is Mr. Ruskin, after his pugnacious political economy?

He remarked as he did so, "I have felt the need of these books for years, and this is the first money I could spare for them." Men who had seen father working with tireless energy on his farm, or the plains, or "logging" in the timber, sometimes said: "He is craving to get rich." He has often been misunderstood, but in no point more than this. I never knew a man who cared less for wealth than he.

Being misunderstood and, to all outward appearances of sentiment and affection, unloved had not in any way embittered Abigail's remarkably joyous temperament made up for it in some measure by getting all the fun and excitement out of life which she could discover therein, or invent through the medium of her own resourceful imagination.

His ironical remarks on The Abolishing of Christianity were also misunderstood. His poems, such as A Description of a City Shower, and Cadenus and Vanessa, show the same general characteristics as his prose, but are inferior to it. We shall search Swift's work in vain for examples of pathos or sublimity.

"No. But I must I ought " "I MUST talk about this. Indeed I must." "Not now." "But I love you. I love you unendurably." "Then don't talk to me now. I don't want you to talk to me now. There is a place This isn't the place. You have misunderstood. I can't explain " They regarded one another, each blinded to the other.

From the top of the mesa practical railway routes appeared to offer to the east and north of the great butte. Lennon studied the landscape until he noticed that the Navaho leader had headed south of east instead of north. Certain that his reply to Slade had been misunderstood, he spurred forward to explain that they were veering away from the lost lode.

"Why, I'd forgotten all that," she murmured. "I do trust you, Mr. Bayne. Of course I must have misunderstood you to some way last evening, and I'm afraid I was disagreeable." "Naturally. You had to be. Now, if that's all right and I'm forgiven, may I ask a question? About those men who arrived last night and apparently killed your chauffeur can you guess who they are?"

In making his recommendations to Congress he, almost with high disdain, ignored legal technicalities and diplomatic quibbles and took high moral ground. Said he, "The large thing to do is the only thing we can afford to do, a voluntary withdrawal from a position everywhere quoted and misunderstood.

"I misunderstood you." "Say rather you had not the courtesy to heed what I told you-had not faith enough to take the word of a gentleman! And for this my poor stag has suffered!" He stood for some moments in conflict with himself, then quietly resumed. "Of course, Mr. Sercombe, I have no intention of pushing the matter!" he said. "I should hope not!" returned Sercombe scornfully.