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Pocket, yet it always appeared to me that by far the best part of the house to have boarded in would have been the kitchen, always supposing the boarder capable of self-defence, for, before I had been there a week, a neighboring lady with whom the family were personally unacquainted, wrote in to say that she had seen Millers slapping the baby. This greatly distressed Mrs.

Nobody seemed to want them, or, if they did, the young men declared that they were not able to undertake all that the farmers or millers or woodcutters required of them. The youngest brother, who was wiser, would gladly have done some of the work that the others refused, but he was small and slight, and no one thought of offering him any.

Once they sank into a deep drift, and came out as white as millers are, when the stones are grinding; and once they slipped on the hard smooth ice where the marsh-water was frozen, and their faggots fell out of their bundles, and they had to pick them up and bind them together again; and once they thought that they had lost their way, and a great terror seized on them, for they knew that the Snow is cruel to those who sleep in her arms.

"'We heard about the ghost first thing we arrived, from Mr. Belsely, the Millers' tenant farmer. Of course we didn't believe it, but last night we went to a picnic at the Old Mine Campground, and we saw it too! Honestly, we're still both lumpy with goose pimples. It was just ghastly, but it was kind of romantic, too. If Dr. and Mrs.

Generally, in a few days after they are hived, they are gone; no one can trace their steps: some suppose they have fled to the woods others, that they were robbed: but after all, no one is able to give any satisfactory account of them. Some pieces of comb only are left, and perhaps myriads of worms and millers finish off the whole.

From time to time the boat slows her speed as she passes through lines or streets of floating mills anchored securely in the river. Each mill a small house with sloping roof, and with so few windows that one wonders how the millers ever manage to see their grist is built upon two boats.

I warrant he passes every other woman and goes straight to her." "Then it will be 'good-by, Mr. Mayhew, to her present escort, I warrant you in return. Fanny Forrest has no use for subalterns except as fun to pass away the time." "Yet she made eyes at Mr. McLean all that first day she was at the Millers'. I think that is really the reason Mrs. Miller cannot bear her.

The millers sent their flour round the country then on packhorses; waggons and carts were not so common as now, while the ways, when you once quitted the main road, were scarcely passable. Even the main roads were often in such a state that foot-passengers could not get along, but left the road and followed a footpath just inside the hedge.

WALKYN. "Aye, five miles west by south is Brand-le-Dene. But there is a mill scarce a mile down stream, I wot." BELTANE. "A mill? 'Twill serve go ye thither. Here is money buy therewith four hats and smocks the like that millers wear, and likewise four meal-sacks well stuffed with straw." Straw and meal-sacks?" BELTANE. "And haste, Walkyn. We must be far hence within the hour."

That's why tailors are always dressed so fine!" The baker was talking to the empty air. "Millers and bakers are always rogues, everybody says." Old Bjerregrav turned to Master Andres, trembling with excitement. But the young master stood there looking gaily from one to the other, his lame leg dangling in the air.