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In fact, it may be stated that any disease or condition which increases the blood pressure generally slows the pulse, unless the heart itself is affected. This is true of hypertension, of arteriosclerosis, of nicotin unless the heart has become injured, and often of caffein, unless it acts in the individual as a nervous stimulant.

Yet, should the administration of the thyroid cease, an almost immediate reversion to the original vegetative condition is inevitable. After a few days, reactiveness slows down, the child will speak only when spoken to, will sit quietly in a chair all day and act semi-anesthetized.

The train slows down for a station. I dangle my legs down in a tentative way. The train stops. My legs are still dangling. I hear the door unlatch softly. He is all ready for me. Suddenly I spring up and run forward over the roof. This is right over his head, where he lurks inside the door.

The engine slows at one point, where the rails are twisted into serpentine convolutions by yesterday's tropical heat. Both sides are considerably displaced, but they still bear the right relation to each other, and the faithful machine, sniffing and picking her way carefully, glides safely over the contorted path.

That loud crescendo echoes in the still house of memory. I can hear her singing as she steps forward and slows the wheel and swings the cradle with her foot: 'On the other side of Jordan, In the sweet fields of Eden, Where the tree of Life is blooming, There is rest for you. She lays her hand to the spokes again and the roar of the spindle drowns her voice.

Mike's masterly treatment of the opening over had impressed the spectators, and there was a popular desire to see how he would deal with Mr. Downing's slows. It was generally anticipated that he would do something special with them. Off the first ball of the master's over a leg-bye was run. Mike took guard. Mr. Downing was a bowler with a style of his own.

When he has landed on the other side of this crossing, he slows down and goes meekly out of town at ten miles an hour, while we saunter forth and pick up small objects of value such as wrenches, luncheon baskets, hairpins, hats, and passengers. Last summer we picked up an oldish man who had been thrown out of an unusually jambangsome touring car.

So he slows down passin' two yokels on the road, and he says, 'Did you see a big car along 'ere? "'Yes, we did, they says. "'How big is she? says Henery. "'Biggest car ever we see, says the yokels, and they laughed that silly way these yokels always does. "'How many horse-power do you think she was? says Henery. "'Horse-power, they says; 'elephant-power, you mean!

Whenever the speed becomes so great as to throw the liquid entirely into the sides of the sphere so that the shaft and paddles are running free of contact with it in the middle the machine slows down, and it cannot again attain full speed until the same conditions recur.

This means a wild dash anywhere away from the ranch. The rider must avoid holes in the ground, and keep up the pace until the horse slows up on its own account. Four or five of these lessons with a post-graduate course in dodging a waving slicker, and Sage-brush will declare all of the broncos are "plumb gentle." The men were riding out their new string to-day.