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Farnsworth, who rode about in a coupé to save his breath for business and contention, drove up in front of Meadows's shop one morning at half-past nine, and made his way back among chandeliers of many patterns in incongruous juxtaposition, punctuated with wall burners and table argands. In the private office at the back he found Meadows opening his letters.

'Fanny, said Mr. Dusautoy, 'I really think we ought to tell her. 'Yes, said Mrs. Dusautoy, 'I think it would be better. The houses belonged to old Mr. Meadows. 'Oh, if they are Mrs. Meadows's, I don't wonder at anything. 'I believe they are Gilbert Kendal's. They were very kind; Mr.

En mo'n dat, Brer Rabbit up'n tell Brer Fox dat his chillun's mighty low wid de fever, en he bleedzd ter go atter some pills fer'm, en he ax Brer Fox fer ter take his place en go down ter Miss Meadows's en have nice time wid de gals.

Brer Rabbit make like he hurr'in' on home, but Brer Fox, he open up, he did, en he say: "'I thank you fer ter tu'n me loose, Brer Rabbit, en I'll be 'blije, sezee, ''caze you done tie me up so tight dat it make my head swim, en I don't speck I'd las' fer ter git ter Miss Meadows's, sezee.

And it was the old comradeship which was failing her; encroached upon, filched from her, by other women; and especially by this exacting, absorbing woman, whose craze for Arthur Meadows's society was rapidly becoming an amusement and a scandal even to those well acquainted with her previous records of the same sort. The end of July arrived. The Dunstables left town.

Den Brer Fox say he ride Brer Rabbit mos' up ter Miss Meadows's, en den he could git down en walk de balance er de way. Brer Rabbit 'greed, en den Brer Fox lipt out atter de saddle en de bridle.

"Now that you have all heard Miss Meadows's wonderful story, and what a narrow escape she had an escape which those present can understand, for all of us have had close calls in our time I am sure you will be glad to hear that the little stranger has consented to remain in the Big Deep Woods and share such of the Deep Woods fortunes as I can provide for her. In fact I may say h'm! that h'm!

"The rabbit rode the fox to Miss Meadows's, and hitched him to the horse-rack," said the little boy. "W'y co'se he did," said Uncle Remus. "C'ose he did. Well, Brer Rabbit rid Brer Fox up, he did, en tied 'im to de rack, en den sot out in de peazzer wid de gals a smokin' er his seegyar wid mo' proudness dan w'at you mos' ever see.

And Miss Wigram can't arrive till after the last train from here." "They know. They've ordered a special, to take Lord Dunstable and the solicitor to Edinburgh, to catch the midnight mail." "Oh, well if you can bully the fates like that! " said Doris, with a shrug. "How did he take it?" Meadows's tone changed. "It was a great blow. I thought it aged him."

"One day w'en Brer Rabbit wuz gwine lippity-clippitin' down de road, he meet up wid ole Brer Tarrypin, en atter dey pass de time er day wid wunner nudder, Brer Rabbit, he 'low dat he wuz much 'blije ter Brer Tarrypin fer de han' he tuck in de rumpus dat day down at Miss Meadows's." "When he dropped off of the water-shelf on the Fox's head," suggested the little boy. "Dat's de same time, honey.