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"That is all, Grimes," announced Penfield, and the butler left the platform with the same stolid air he wore when he arrived. He was followed in the witness chair by the other McIntyre servants in succession. Their testimony added nothing to what he had said but simply confirmed his statements.

Kent's office and put it on his desk." There was that about Colonel McIntyre which inspired complete obedience to his wishes, and Sylvester followed his directions without further question. As the clerk stepped into Kent's office McIntyre saw a woman sitting by the empty desk. She turned her head on hearing footsteps and their glances met. A faint exclamation broke from her. "Margaret!"

"It's simply a dirty filch. There just ARE skunks like him too big to handle." "You're being paid liberally," offered Samuel. "Shut up!" roared McIntyre suddenly. "I want the privilege of talking." He walked to the door and looked out across the land, the sunny, steaming pasturage that began almost at his feet and ended with the gray-green of the distant mountains.

H. McIntyre of Co. C was named to command the party. With him were Lieut. Blowers, Co. F, Corporal Jenks and myself of Co. C, and two or three other men whose names I have forgotten. We left camp Monday, Jan. 21st, 1862. We reported to Maj. Sprague, U. S. A., at Albany. He granted us a few days furlough and we all visited our homes.

"Is anybody dead?" he whispered. "Jump up quick," said the doctor sharply, "and run down and feed Speed right away; I want her again in a few minutes, do you understand? Then go down to the track when Lauchie stops, and give him a telegram I want sent on. Tell him I'm not going to Toronto." On the third day of the new year, when John McIntyre was quite out of danger, Gilbert went over to Mrs.

I can thole a fair and square stan up fecht, but yon's a coward trick." "Ye'd say so," said Private McIntyre, Shenstone's comrade, "gin ye saw the hale place reeking like a shawmbles, an' the puir' wretches lying stark and scaring like slaughtered sheep. I doubt na it was a gran' blunder as weel as a gran' crime. Forbye killing some o' oor ain folk it will breed bad bluid through the hale war.

In consequence of the state these men or animals were in, they had to be carried on the camels, and it was impossible to go in search of the horses; thus all was lost. This event crushed the expedition. Mcintyre obtained a few more horses, pushed across to the Flinders again, became attacked with fever, and died. Thus the "Ladies' Leichhardt Search Expedition" entirely fell through.

I will call her down, and we shall have her opinion." "Oh, I don't want to have any scenes," said McIntyre sulkily, relaxing his efforts. He lived in dread of his daughter, and at his worst moments the mention of her name would serve to restrain him.

"What's that?" interrupted young Mr. McIntyre, half rising. "Shot?" "You're nervous, Tommy. I didn't say 'shot. Said 'shock." "Oh, of course. Shock the bell-boy, it means." "See here; first thing you know you'll be getting me interested. Hadn't you better open up or shut up?" Mr. McIntyre took a long breath and a resolution simultaneously. "At any rate I can trust you," he said.

"You'll excuse my going on in this mad sort of way, but if you had served you would know what it is to get away from quarter-deck manners, and to be a free man. Miss McIntyre will tell you that we have known each other since we were children, and as we are to be married in, I hope, a month at the latest, we understand each other pretty well." Raffles Haw still stood cold and motionless.