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The lost staff might possess some magnetic quality which was invaluable, as Old Century believed; but beyond all that was the uncomfortable reflection that Antonio Bernal was somewhere in hiding about Sobrante, and that doubtless it had been he, or his emissary, who had tampered with the mail pouch and caused Marty's disaster. "Well, a man that hides must have somethin' to be ashamed of.

The next Sunday would be his and Marty's, but this would be his and Jeannette's. Not that he needed to make any special plans for being with Jeannette Shenk; of late he had found the half hour drive down to the old farm the prelude to a pleasant evening.

"I suppose he'll come up here again," said the mother; but to this Kate made no answer. "He is to sleep at Father Marty's I fancy, and he can hardly do that without paying us a visit." "The days are short and he'll want all his time for the boating," said Kate with a little pout. "He'll find half-an-hour, I don't doubt. Shall you be glad to see him, Kate?" "I don't know, mother.

Don evened off the flower beds, carried the raked-up grass around to the chickens, and put the gardening tools away. "Dinner at twelve sharp," Barbara called after him. At first he felt odd, throwing to the bag and not finding Ted there. He made some crazy tosses. But Marty's long reach always saved him, and Marty's cheery voice kept calling, "That's the stuff; that's what will get them."

Yes, she would give it away; but might it not be that the young god would not take the gift? On the third day after his arrival at Ennis, Neville was at Liscannor with the priest. He little dreamed that the fact of his dining and sleeping at Father Marty's house would be known to the ladies at Castle Quin, and communicated from them to his aunt at Scroope Manor.

"Marty," she said to him, with some solemnity, "if you saw that through the Elder's coming there and your entertaining him a bit, the institution would in the end be vastly benefited, wouldn't you be glad to play the goat?" Marty's eyes snapped at her. He drew a long breath, and exclaimed: "Hi tunket! You don't mean that you've got the old Elder 'on the string' for us, Janice?"

"Yet you and he could speak in a tongue that nobody else knew not even my father, though he came nearest knowing the tongue of the trees and fruits and flowers themselves." She could indulge in mournful fancies like this to Marty; but the hard core to her grief which Marty's had not remained.

Molly, I pressed your waist when I had the irons for Marty's neckties, so I treated you as well." "Momsey, you are perfect in your plans. Never use an iron for one without applying it to the other. And I will be joyous in my fresh blouse. Rose, please put a tag on my piece of cake, I'll enjoy that end when I come in.

Perhaps Grace's first grief, the discovery that if he had lived he could never have claimed her, had some power in softening this, the second. On Marty's part there was the same consideration; never would she have been his. As no anticipation of gratified affection had been in existence while he was with them, there was none to be disappointed now that he had gone.

"Would that have done any good?" demanded Mrs. Day, with some scorn. "Ye know Marty's got too big to take orders from his marm. He don't do nothin' but hang about Josiah Pringle's harness shop all day." "I told him to hoe them 'taters," said Mr. Day, thoughtfully. "Well, he don't seem ter take orders from his dad, neither. Don't know what that boy's comin' to," and a whine crept into Mrs.