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"And what will become of those poor children?" "I've got the two youngest over to my place to take care on, and the two next them has been put out to some folks over to the cove. I dare say like's not they'll be sent back." "They're clever child'n, I guess," said the man, who spoke as if this were the first time he had dared take their part. "Don't be ha'sh, Marthy!

They'll jes' kill that baby atween them, they're that igner'nt. Hev they got enny milk fer them two babbling kids, Della an' the baby my grandchild?" "No!" snapped Mrs. Norris, while through her mind echoed some terrifying lines she had heard as a child: "All liars dwell with him in hell, And many more who cursed and swore." "An' there's that young Shorthorn of ours, Marthy.

Nevertheless, the feeling did not depart because he willed that it should go. "No, we thank you," Jimmy Grayson was saying; "we are not hungry; but we should like very much to go to bed." "It's jest with you," said Simpson. "Marthy, I'll show the gen'lemen to their room, and you kin stay here till I come back."

She tried to talk it over with Marthy, but Marthy could not seem to think beyond the Cove, except that now and then Billy Louise would suspect that her mind did travel to the desert and Minervy's grave. Marthy's hair was growing streaked with yellowish gray, though it never grew less unkempt and dusty looking. Her eyes were harder, if anything, except when they rested on Billy Louise.

When I was a kid and went to see Marthy and Jase, I used to promise them cookies with 'raisings' in the middle. I thought there was nothing better in the world. I was just thinking I'll maybe bake you some cookies with raisings on top, to bring home. You don't seem to waste much time cooking stuff. Bacon and beans, and potatoes and sour-dough bread: that seems to be your regular bill of fare.

"Why, yes, sir, I endivour so to be; though men is desperate apt to believe they desarve all they get but the ill luck. I and Marthy try to think of what is all in all to us, and I believe Marthy does make out pretty well, in that partic'lar, accordin' to Friends' ways; though I am often jammed in religion, and all for want of taking to it early as I sometimes think, sir."

Do you remember Evelyn Randolph's son who paid you so much attention last winter?" "George Fowler! Has he been here?" asked Gabriella, and her voice quivered like a harp. "I told Marthy to say you were out. Of course I wasn't fit to see company, but he caught sight of me on his way to the gate and came back on the porch to speak to me.

"Know as much now as I ever did," snapped the interlocutor. "I have come to work for Mrs. Bartlett, to help her about the house." "Land sakes. Bartlett's keeping help! How stylish they're getting." "Yes, Marthy, we are progressing," said Kate, coming out of the house. "Anna, this is our friend, Miss Marthy Perkins." The village gossip's confusion was but momentary.

"England's into the war, that's what! Yes, sir, and Sam Holmes didn't keep her out of it neither. And they were enlistin' fellows in Algonquin last night, an' they say that Burke Wright For the love o' goodness, has the boy gone clean off his head?" "Sufferin' Moses!" cried Marthy, standing with his fork suspended.

Carmody people knew that these things had to be sold to pay the debts, and they could not be sold unless they were bought. Still, it was a very tame affair. A woman came out of the house carrying a baby of about eighteen months in her arms, and sat down on the bench beneath the window. "There's Marthy Blair with the Garland Baby," said Robert Lawson to Pa.