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Under the generic title of 'Les Victimes d'Amour, he made his debut with the following three family-romances: 'Les Amants , Les Epoux , and Les Enfants . About the same period he published a book, 'La Vie Moderne en Angleterre. Malot has written quite a number of novels, of which the greatest is 'Conscience, crowned by the French Academy in 1878.

It is a terrible step for a woman to take, from No to Yes Lady who requires urging, although she is dying to sing Let them laugh that win! By HECTOR MALOT With a Preface by EDOUARD PAILLERON, of the French Academy He studied law, intending to devote himself also to the Notariat, but toward 1853 or 1854 commenced writing for various small journals.

By HECTOR MALOT When, after two hours' sleep, Saniel woke, he did not at first think of this knife; he was tired and dull. Mechanically he walked about his room without paying attention to what he was doing, as if he were in a state of somnambulism, and it astonished him, because he never felt weariness of mind any more than of body, no matter how little he had slept, nor how hard he had worked.

Father Noyrot brought with him Father Charles Lalemant, who was returning after an absence of nearly two years, Father de Vieux-Pont, Brother Louis Malot and twenty-four persons. Driven by a terrible storm, their barque was wrecked near the Island of Canseau. Fourteen were drowned, including Father Noyrot and Brother Malot. The others miraculously escaped.

You see that Florentin is saved!" By HECTOR MALOT As he did not reply to this cry of triumph, she looked at him in surprise saw his face, pale, agitated, under the shock evidently of a violent emotion that she could not explain to herself. "What is the matter?" she asked, with uneasiness. "Nothing," he answered, almost brutally.

As they neared the Gulf of St Lawrence a fierce gale arose, and the ship was driven out of its course and dashed to pieces on the rocky shores of Acadia near the island of Canseau. Fourteen of the passengers, including Noyrot and a lay brother, Louis Malot, were drowned. Lalemant escaped with his life, and took passage on a trading vessel for France.

If this poor boy could have been saved, it would have been by you; you may well say you are the man of conscience." By HECTOR MALOT

He announced this determination in a card published in the journal, 'Le Temps, May 25, 1895 It was then maliciously stated that "M. Malot his retired from business after having accumulated a fortune." EDOUARD PAILLERON de l'Academie Francaise.

De Musset and Anatole France may be taken as revealing authoritatively the moral philosophy of nineteenth-century thought. I must not omit to mention the Jacqueline of Th. Bentzon, and the "Attic" Philosopher of Emile Souvestre, nor the, great names of Loti, Claretie, Coppe, Bazin, Bourget, Malot, Droz, De Massa, and last, but not least, our French Dickens, Alphonse Daudet.

His works have met with great success in all countries. They possess that lasting interest which attends all work based on keen observation and masterly analysis of the secret motives of human actions. About this time Hector Malot resolved not to write fiction any more.