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Mrs Macintyre after this announcement requested her pupils to go at once to their several tasks, only adding that she hoped to receive the names of the girls who meant to try for the six lockets by the following evening at latest.

So you see now for yourself, Hollyhock, that after your insisting so often that nothing would make you go to a mixed school, the thing has been taken out of your hands, my love. Mrs Macintyre has a large and flourishing school for girls, and I hope to do well with my boys. You must congratulate me, Hollyhock.

One evening used to be spent at The Garden, the next at The Paddock; and then the delightful good-byes, the cheerful talk about the early meeting on the morrow, and if it was the evening for The Paddock, the lively and merry walk home with Daddy Dumps and the other Flower Girls. Oh, how things were changed! What an unbearable woman Aunt Agnes was! What a horror was Mrs Macintyre!

Mr Lennox was consulted, and being the best and most amiable of men, after talking for a short time to his young daughter Jasmine, he went over and had a consultation with Mrs Macintyre.

The fact of your being Earl Crossways' daughter has no effect in a school which is the gift of the Duke of Ardshiel; so don't fancy it. Act sensibly, as you cannot bring yourself to forgive, and stay in your bedroom. I am not talking nonsense when I predict that the nerves of the strongest will be tested to-night. 'I refuse. You can't turn me out, said Leucha. 'Very well, said Mrs Macintyre.

Finally the long looked for moment arrived the whistle blew and over they went Lieutenant MacIntyre was in charge of the 28th boys. The wire cutters were the closest and they reached the trenches first poor Conlin was shot as soon as he showed himself on the edge of the parapet, but MacIntyre got the man who shot him and they fell together.

Now the prizes were to be presented to the girls of the school by the great Duke himself, and Mrs Macintyre assumed that the three or four young maids who were to perform their deeds of daring would choose the daytime for the display of their courage.

Little did Miss Delacour guess or Mrs Macintyre conceive that it was because of this brave lassie, and because of her alone, that the great Palace of the Kings had been turned into a school. The Duke came to Ardshiel on this occasion with his heart beating a trifle loud for so old a man.

'Of course, I suppose, mother must give you a term's notice, but there are really refined schools in England without wild Scotch girls in their midst. 'You must not speak against Scotland to me, said Mrs Macintyre. 'Remember it is my native land the land of the heather, and the lochs, and the glorious mountains.

How delicious was that morning breeze coming in the windows, fresh and sweet with the breath of the yellow ratama blooms! Might one not stand, for a minute, with shining, far-gazing eyes, and dream that mistakes might be corrected? Why was Mrs. Maclntyre poking about so absurdly with a broom? "I've found it," said Mrs. MacIntyre, banging the door. "Here it is."