United States or Saint Helena, Ascension, and Tristan da Cunha ? Vote for the TOP Country of the Week !

It wasn't, however, that one mightn't without disloyalty to that scheme of profit seek impressions further afield though indeed I may best say of such a matter as the long pilgrimage to the pictured convent of Monte Oliveto that it but played on the same fine chords as the overhanging, the far-gazing Lizza.

So have I seen Passion and Vanity stamping the living magnanimous earth, but the earth did not alter her tides and her seasons for that. Meanwhile Stubb, the third mate, betrayed no such far-gazing solicitudes.

Yes, he could see that she remembered. Dear, sweet Sancie! There was bravado here on his part, and nervousness to be discerned beneath it; for it is most certain that her reverie was not exactly as he would have it. Her chin was in her hand, her caught other hand lay idle in his own; her eyes were far-gazing and sombre; her smile was bleak.

They pressed onwards to Piccadilly Circus, where the only normal and cheerful living creatures were the van horses and the flower-women; and up Regent Street, through crowds of rapt and mystical women and romantical men who had apparently wandered out of a play by Henrik Ibsen. They then took a motor-bus, which was full of the same enigmatic, far-gazing heroines and heroes.

How delicious was that morning breeze coming in the windows, fresh and sweet with the breath of the yellow ratama blooms! Might one not stand, for a minute, with shining, far-gazing eyes, and dream that mistakes might be corrected? Why was Mrs. Maclntyre poking about so absurdly with a broom? "I've found it," said Mrs. MacIntyre, banging the door. "Here it is."

So have I seen Passion and Vanity stamping the living magnanimous earth, but the earth did not alter her tides and her seasons for that. Meanwhile Stubb, the third mate, betrayed no such far-gazing solicitudes.

He had written to her and told her the hour of his arrival, and at a turning he suddenly saw her standing above the road on one of the stone stiles of the country. Dressed in white and poised against the blue, while she kept watch for his coming, she was like a calm, far-gazing figure-head on a ship, and the ship that bore her seemed to have soared into sight. She was new, yet unchanged.

She had met plenty of poets, so called, before, and had, for the most part, found them insignificant looking men with an enormous opinion of themselves, and a suave, condescending contempt for all others of their craft; but this being, this stately, kingly creature with the noble head, and far-gazing, luminous eyes, this man, whose every gesture was graceful, whose demeanor was more royal than that of many a crowned monarch, whose voice had such a singular soft thrill of music in its tone, he was a personage for whom she had not been prepared, and in whose presence she felt curiously embarrassed and almost ill at ease.