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And tell me, lanna machree, is my suspicions right in what I hear tell me the worst at oncet is she non compos?" "Oh, I never heerd her called by that name before," sobbed Oonah, "but she has a great many others just as bad." "Ow! ow! ow!" exclaimed Andy. "Now I know what Misther Dick laughed at; well, death before dishonour I'll go 'list for a sojer, and never live with her!"

Why shouldn't I? Ay, Mary, asthore, machree, good right you have to cry afther her; she was the kind mother to you; her heart was fixed in you; there's her fatures on your face; her very eyes, an' fair hair, too, an' I'll love you, achora, ten times more nor ever, for her sake.

"I always had a feeling," admitted Brian, "that if I didn't stick around and keep an eye on you, a lot of things would happen." "They did. They've been happenin' ever since." Brian flushed and put out his hand. "Kenny, surely you guessed. I was sorry " "Jewel machree, I was fair sick about the shotgun. And after you went I was willing to be sorry about anything to get you back."

"Widow machree, and when winter comes in, Och hone! widow machree, To be poking the fire all alone is a sin, Och hone! widow machree, Sure the shovel and tongs To each other belongs, And the kittle sings songs Full of family glee, While alone with your cup, Like a hermit you sup Och hone! widow machree.

If he gets over this, I have much to make up to him; for, indeed, I wasn't the father to him that I ought. Avick machree, now I feel it, may be whin it's too late." These words affected all who heard them, many even to tears. "I have no remedy," observed the judge. "Tipstaff, take away the witness to prison.

"Queen of heaven!" exclaimed Peter, deeply affected, "is that true? Oh," said he, dropping on his knees, "Father, ahagur machree, pardon me oh, forgive me! I now promise, solemnly and seriously, to drink neither in the house nor out of it, for the time to come, not one drop at all, good, bad, or indifferent, of either whiskey, wine, or punch barrin' one glass.

Well, Mave, I hope that my eyes may be closed by the hands I loved an' love so well an' that's your own, agrab machree, an' Denis's." "Whisht, Denis asthore," said Mave, wiping her eyes, "I hope I'll never see that day.

The children crowded about them in loud wailings, and the grief of this virtuous and afflicted family was of that profound description, which is ever the companion, in such scenes, of pure and genuine love. "Owen!" she exclaimed; "Owen, a-suilish mahuil agus machree!

"And how do you know, with the comforts I've towld, Och hone! widow machree, But you're keeping some poor fellow out in the cowld, Och hone! widow machree. With such sins on your head, Sure your peace would be fled, Could you sleep in your bed, Without thinking to see Some ghost or some sprite, That would wake you each night, Crying, 'Och hone! widow machree.

Are you fond of a sartin boy not far from you, called Bouncin' Phelim?" "To be sure I am. Are you satisfied now? Phelim! I say," "Faith, it won't pass, avourneen. That's not the voice for it. Don't you hear me, how tendher I spake wid my mouth brathin' into your ear, acushla machree?