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She began to laugh weakly. Light footsteps came quickly over to her. "Where is that plasmoid, Trigger?" The Ermetyne was in a fine, towering rage. She'd better say something. "Ask the Commissioner," she said, mumbling a little. "It's wearing off, First Lady," said Flam. "Shall I?" Trigger's thoughts went eddying away for a moment, and she didn't hear Lyad's reply.

Her eyes shifted about, trying to pierce the darkness. Black-light, she thought. She said, "Lyad?" "Yes?" Lyad's voice came easily in the dark. She might be standing about thirty feet away, at the far end of the room. "Call your animal off," Trigger said quietly. "I don't want to kill it." She began moving in the direction from which Lyad had spoken.

Dead, no doubt. He shouldn't have got gay with Quillan. "Yes," Trigger said then, remembering Quillan's question. "I've got a very fast snap-back but they fed me a fresh load of dope just a moment ago." "So I saw," said Quillan. His glance shifted beyond Trigger. "Lyad," he said, almost gently. "Yes, Quillan?" Lyad's voice came from the other side of Trigger. Trigger turned her head toward it.

"Stop amusing yourself, Virod!" It was Lyad's voice. Trigger saw her then, standing in a small half-opened door across the room, where a wall hanging had been folded away. "She appeared to be in shock, First Lady," Virod explained blandly. "Is Pilli dead?" "Yes. I have her gun. He got it from her."

But he and that unpleasant Belchik Pluly had engaged in some jovial back-slapping and rib-punching when he and Trigger went over to join Lyad's party at her request; and Quillan cried out merrily that he and Belchik had long had one great interest in common ha-ha-ha!

"It's those damn computers again!" he said. "I don't see any sense in it." "In what?" she asked shakily. "Everything that's happening around here is being fed back to them at the moment," he said. "When they heard about our invite to Lyad's dinner party, and who was to be present, they came up with a honey. In the time period I mentioned a catassin is supposed to show up at your cabin.

Lyad's fingers flew over the tabs. The communicator signaled contact. Lyad said evenly, "Come in, Aurora! This is the Ermetyne." There was a pause, a rather unaccountably long pause, Trigger thought. Then a voice said, "Yes, First Lady?" Lyad's eyes widened for an instant. "Come in on visual, Captain!" There was the snap of command in the words. Again a pause.

Much less comfortably than she might have, too." "I think she'd agree with you there," Trigger said. Lyad's first assignment after Professor Mantelish came out of the dope was to snap him back into trance and explain to him how he had once more been put under hypno control and used for her felonious ends by the First Lady of Tranest.

Lyad's glance switched to Trigger; she smiled again. It was a pleasant, easy smile that showed white teeth. "Would you shield your ComWeb, Quillan?" "Shield it?" Quillan looked surprised. "Why, certainly!" He reached under the edge of the table. The drifting viewer images vanished. "Go ahead." Lyad's eyes turned back to Trigger.

He asked Quillan, "How's she doing?" "Not bad," Quillan said. "A bit ta-ta at the moment. Double dose of ceridim, by the smell of it. Had a little trouble here, I see." "A little," the Commissioner acknowledged. "They went for their guns." "Very uninformed gentlemen," said Quillan. He let Lyad's limp form slide off his shoulder, and bent forward to lower her into the subtub's back seat.