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I had to take back to town the train by which she had come out, but she made the most of her time. "There's been great doin's in yer hoose in yer absence. Marg'et 's been tellin' yer sister's servant a' aboot Mary's luv affairs. Mary tell't her 'at Eesabelle bade her write Willum Axworthy an' spier his intentions; that if she didna, Mrs.

'But we'll tak' to her, mother, cried Milly, crossing, with her crutch, from the window at which she had been sitting, to take her place at her mother's side. 'We'll tak' to her; aw con luv onybody 'at Mr. Penrose luves. 'Bless thee, lass! aw beleeve thaa con. An' we will tak' to her, as thaa sez.

With dis I sprung upon her like a wild cat and tore her clothes, scratched her face, and pulled part of her hair out by de roots. Den I left her and marched straight to Sam's cabin, and asked im if wat de gal said was true. He said it war, dat he had lost his luv for me and put it on Kate Sawyer. Sumthing like a knife seemed to cut my heart, and I wanted to die.

"Come to the P. N. yet, Philip?" said Pete. He was on his knees before the fire, lighting his pipe with a red coal. "axpectin to be home sune but... give my luv and bess respects to the Dempster when you see him he was so good to me when "were forren the half was never towl you" "She's not laving a man unaisy, you see," said Pete. Philip could not speak.

And this was the epistle which, after some delay, reached the newspaper man, at a time when he happened to need cheering up, and brought new life and interest into his overworked brain: "MY VERY DEAR MISTER SHARP: My mother and the children and aunt sally, and Me and all the rest the Boys, are well and send Their LUV. We are Now Inviteing you To come and Spend the holidays at dear Sobrante. everybody is Coming, most, and i Got lost and was found in a Hole.

P.S. He said he would like to hang himself in his sword-belt to the arm of yonder tree and hurl himself from yon topmost pinnakel, so I no he is in luv with you. "Oh, blessed Imp!" "And now where is he?" she demanded. "Lisbeth, I don't know." "You don't know! Then why are you here?" For answer I held out the letter I had found, and watched while she read the words I could not believe.

"Yet, oh, yet thyself deceeve not, Luv' may sink by slow decay; But by suddint wrench beleeve not 'Earts can thus be torn away." 'Have you had a quarrel with your young man? I asked, perplexed at the strange selection of verse. 'No, miss, but 'e's 'overin' just now you know what I mean. I want to bring 'im up to the scratch, like.

This lad here, pointing to Mr. Penrose, 'giz us a twothree crumbs betimes; but some on us, I con tell yo', are fair clamming for th' bread o' life. Nowe, but gradely bread, yo' know. Mr. Morell tried to check the brutal volubility and plain-spokenness of Joseph, but in vain. He continued the more vehemently. 'It's all luv naa, and no law. Morell, no leetnins?

But he did not actually permit himself these solaces; he only clenched and unclenched his fingers several times, and continued to listen. "Geev a-mee yewr ra-smile, The luv va-ligh TIN yew rise, Life cooed not hold a fairrerr paradise. Geev a-mee the righ to luv va-yew all the wile, My worrlda for AIV-vorr, The sunshigh NUV vyewr-ra-smile!"

You tak the high road And I'll tak the low road And I'll be in Scotland before ye, Oh, I and my true luv shall never be oot of the way below there summat is drapping Th' De'il tak my bit of soapie! 'On the bonnie, bonnie banks of Loch Lomond."