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What I don' like's total disappearance of an uncle. Not business-like." And he wagged his head. "It is all perfectly simple," returned Morris, with laborious calm. "There is no mystery. He stays at Browndean, where he got a shake in the accident." "Ah!" said Michael, "got devil of a shake!" "Why do you say that?" cried Morris sharply. "Best possible authority.

We laid the axe where it would be at hand in case of need; and Tom trained the gun across the fence rail in the direction of the knoll. "Like's not he won't come till toward morning," he whispered; "but we must stay awake and keep listening for him. Don't you go to sleep." I thought that sleep was the last thing I was likely to be guilty of. I wished myself at home.

I shouldn't have bothered you so late about a mere fish, but they was such prime mackerel, an' I thought like's not one of 'em would make you a breakfast." "You're always very considerate," answered Mrs. Lunn, in spite of what she felt to be a real emergency. She was very fond of mackerel, and these were the first of the season. "Walk right in, Cap'n Witherspoon, when you get ready.

"Why, you set that for north or west or any other way, an' the hull machine keeps headed that way until ye change it." "Oh, is that the rudder?" "No, that is fer settin' jest one course fer a long ride like's ef we was goin' north to the pole, ye know. The rudder's in here, 'long with the other machinery." He walked to one of the two doors which faced the state-rooms.

Noo, this ane here is equal to that ane there, an' this ither ane here is equal to that ane there too; so that, when they're baith equal to that ane, the teen maun be equal to the tither. A blind bat cud see that wi' its een shut." Sandy set himsel' up like's he'd pey'd a big account or something, an', gien his heid a gey impident cock to the tae side, he says, "D'ye no' see't?"

I isn't discoursing 'bout pie, Miss P'tricia." "But it's mighty good pie, Sarah! Will there be cherry pie among the refreshments this afternoon?" "Miss P'tricia! And the cherry juice all a dripping down, like's not, on you-uns clean white dresses," Sarah protested.

All that day the strange guest at the Matthews place was the one topic of conversation between the two girls. "Shucks," said Mandy, when Sammy had finished a very minute description of Mr. Howitt; "he's jest some revenue, like's not." Sammy tossed her head; "Revenue! you ought to see him! Revenues don't come in no such clothes as them, and they don't talk like him, neither."

The Maister never made muckle o' the savin' o' sic like's them. It seems to me they're naething but a kin' o' warl' 's gear themsel's." "An' yet," argued Robert, "ye'll tak thoucht aboot an auld umbrell? Whaur's yer consistency, lass?" "Gien I war tribled aboot my life," said Janet, "I cud ill spare thoucht for an auld umbrell.

He croonshed doon, an' jookit frae side to side, an' then jamp straucht up an' lut flee at something wi' the bissam shaft. Syne he stack the end o' the stick i' the flure, an' bored an' grunted like's he was rammin't through a pavemint steen.

And she certainly was worthy of better treatment. But that is all over. Mr. Hammond has her tied up with a hard and fast contract. Let her alone, Mr. Fenbrook." "Aw, don't you fret," growled the man. "I ain't come out here to trouble Wonota none. The little spitfire! She'd shoot me just as like's not if she took the notion. Them redskins ain't to be trusted none of 'em. I know 'em only too well."