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Imagine G. Washington and P. Henry in the character of seseshers! As well fancy John Bunyan and Dr. Watts in spangled tites, doin the trapeze in a one-horse circus! I tell you, feller-citizens, it would have bin ten dollars in Jeff Davis's pocket if he'd never bin born! Be shure and vote at leest once at all elecshuns. Buckle on yer armer and go to the Poles. See two it that your naber is there.

For we have never heard from the father, and, at leest, no one knows that Nora has a living son but I and my daughter Jane, and Parson Dale and you and you Two are good Gentlemen and Jane will keep her word, and I am old, and shall be in my grave Soon, but I hope it won't be while pore John needs me. What could he do without me? And if that got wind, it would kill me straght, sir.

My gardian angel is asleep At leest he doth no vigil keep Ah! woe is me! Then give me back my lonely farm Where none alive did wish me harm Dear home of youth! P. S. again. I made the poetry like a piece in a book but could not get it right at first.

For we have never heard from the father, and, at leest, no one knows that Nora has a, living son but I and my daughter Jane, and Parson Dale and you and you Two are good Gentlemen and Jane will keep her word, and I am old, and shall be in my grave Soon, but I hope it won't be while pore John needs me. What could he do without me? And if that got wind, it would kill me straght, sir.

'Hish! be quiate, cheaile, weel you, and I weel tale you everything presently. She paused, with her ear laid to the door. 'Now I can speak, ma chère; I weel tale a you there is bailiff in the house, two, three, four soche impertinent fallows! They have another as bad as themselve to make a leest of the furniture: we most keep them out of these rooms, dear Maud.

"Weel, gien ye hae nae mercy upo' yer whusky, ye sud hae some upo' yer horse-beasts, ony gait," said the woman indignantly. "What mean ye by that?" returned Jean, with hard voice, and eye of blame. "Ye might at the leest gie the puir things a chance," the woman rejoined. "Hoo wad ye dee that?" said Jean. "Gien ye lowsed them they wad but tak to the watter wi' fear, an' droon the seener."

"Strenger!" said he at length, "I've two things to propose to ye; an' ef you'll agree to them, thur's no need why you an' I shed quarrel leest of all plug one another wi' bullets, as we wur agwine to do a minnit ago." "Name your conditions!" rejoined I, "and if they are not impossible for me to accept, I promise you they shall be agreed to."

My guardian angel is asleep At leest he doth not virgil keep Ah! Woe is me! Then give me back my lonely farm Where none alive did wish me harm Dear home of youth! P.S. again. I made the poetry like a piece in a book but could not get it right at first.

But I merely observed this, as we wended onwards, "I have always noticed this, Josiah Allen, that them that shaw the most at sech things, are the ones whose teeth chatter when they come a nigh 'em, showin' plain that the shawers are really the ones that believe in 'em." "My teeth chattered," sez he, "because my gooms ache." "Well," sez I, "the leest said the soonest mended."

"He's good for two private boxes, and at leest twenty tickets, I should say," cried the daughter, a prudent lass, who always kept her fine eyes on the main chance.