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Updated: July 31, 2024

In toto circuitu aedificij extrinsecus est valde pro atrio latum spacium loci, stratum per totum pauimentum marmoribus.

Adducit tamen sibi per longos ductus aquam Nili fluminis in cisternis ad potandum. Alexandria nobilis, 30. stadia habet longitudinis decemque in latum. In ea restant adhuc plures Ecclesiae a tempore Christianorum, sed Sarraceni non sustinentes picturas Sanctorum omnes parietes albauerunt.

Gallos Caesar in triumphum ducit: iidem in curiam Galli braccas deposuerunt, latum clavum sumpserunt. When Quintus Maximus, who had been his deputy in the consulship for the last three months, entered the theatre, and the lictor, according to custom, bid the people take notice who was coming, they all cried out, "He is no consul."

The Gauls were especially obnoxious, and epigrams were circulated to insult them: "Gallos Caesar in triumphum ducit, idem in Curiam. Galli braccas deposuerunt, latum clavum sumpserunt" SUETONIUS, Vita Jullii Caesaris, 80. Suetonius. The fifth, dating the beginning of the year, in the old style, from March. Dion Cassius. The second consul who had been put in held office but for a few hours.

Iter a deserto Sinay vsque ad Iudeam. Per istud latum et longum desertum, moratur vel potius vagata maxima multitudo malorum, et incompositorum hominum, qui non manent in domibus, sed sub pellium tabernaculis, quemadmodum et olim filij Israel in eodem deserto ambulauerunt, quoniam aquae non manent ibi diu in locis certis: et ideo mutant tabernacula sequentes aquas: non colunt terras, raro manducant panem, sed tantum carnes bestiarum deserti quas venantur, coquentes super petras calefactas ad Solem: fortes sunt et feroces, et velut desperati de vita propria non curantes, qui licet non habeant arma praeter lanceam, et tarchiam, et caput grandi albo linteolo inuolutum, tamen non verentur exercere guerras, et inire proelia contra Dominum suum Soldanum: nam et ego stipendiarius in expeditione Soldani contra eos saepius fui.

Thus from circumferre we have circonférence, also périphérie, from conferre, conférence and also confortable, from deferre déférence, from differre différence, from praeferre préférence, from proferre proférer, from referre référence, each word again with numerous offshoots. We are not at the end yet, and still less when we keep in view also the parallel formations tuli and latum, or portare.

The latter, in fact, as soon as the day comes, both I and my young Cicero will demand of you. The last letter I had from you was dated Ephesus, 9th of August. Antiochus Gabinius was doubtless of Greek origin and naturally quoted Greek poetry. The negant latum de imperio must refer to a lex curiata originally conferring his imperium, which his opponents alleged had not been passed.

Praeterea, iuxta palatii ambitum, habetur grandis parci spaciamentum, diuersi generis arboribus repletum, fructus ferentibus varios, et nobis inuisos, et in parte media, aula super excelsum collem de tam mira et pulchra structura, vt eius nobilitas de facili ad praesens, non possit describi. Et vndique, par collis gyrum aquae fossatum profundum, et latum vltra quod pons vnicus ducit ad collem.

The insulse latum refers to the law now passed granting him the triumph in spite of this. This latter was passed by the old trick of the prætor appearing in the campus before daybreak to prevent obnuntiatio.

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