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Give small quantities frequently rather than a good deal at once. Fever, Intermitting. This has a wonderfully soothing effect. It may be spread with the hand over the skin, and fresh supplies gently rubbed on until much of the fever is removed. Some five minutes' lathering at a time is enough this may be done several times a-day. Carefully dry after it, and let the patient rest.

"If we can live through this quarter," said The Maltese Cat, "I sha'n't care. Don't take it out of yourselves. Let them do the lathering." So the ponies, as their riders explained afterwards, "shut-up."

That was all the troops heard of the fight for some days, though later the Empress of Russia passed on her way to pick up the many wounded from the wrecked Emden. Then came the crossing of the Line; and in all ships Father Neptunes were busy lathering, dosing and abusing unlucky troops who tried to escape their gentle hands. Crowds of men splashed rowdily about in great sails of water.

Well, well, I'm glad to see you. Sit down I think that chair there by the stove will hold together under you." "What are you doing, Sam?" I asked. "Fixin' up the sody fountain. 'Meant to get it working last month, Homer, but somehow I kind of forgot." He rubbed away briskly at the single faucet which protruded above the counter, lathering it briskly with a metal polish that smelt to Heaven.

The disease was hereditary, her father having been a barber, and remarkable for the coolness with which, even as a small boy whose function was lathering and nothing more, he exchanged views about the weather with his victims. The third time Lancelot saw Mary Ann he noticed that she was rather pretty.

So full of bragging when they came; and now they were off, wrong side foremost! I saw how it was. And ever after him, the flood of them ran, Highroad not broad enough, an hour and more before it ended. Such a pell-mell, such a welter, cavalry and musketeers all jumbled: our King must have given them a dreadful lathering.

In the midst of this conversation, which was beginning to interest Napoleon, Berthier's eyes turned to look at a general with a suite, who was galloping toward the knoll on a lathering horse. It was Belliard. Having dismounted he went up to the Emperor with rapid strides and in a loud voice began boldly demonstrating the necessity of sending reinforcements.

If the soapy blanket be too severe on the patient, then apply general lathering with M'Clinton's Soap. Use a badger's-hair shaving brush, and have the lather like whipped cream with no free water along with it. We have known a few of these applications cure a case of long standing. Where general debility is present, along with the disease, use all means to increase the patient's vitality.

Then the hawk whispered to Shibli Bagarag, 'Forward and shear him! So he stepped forth and seized the tackle, and addressed himself keenly to the shaving of the King of Oolb, lathering him and performing his task with perfect skill. And the courtiers crowded to follow the example of the King, and Shibli Bagarag shaved them, all of them.

The wife, who was knitting steadily, said: "Well, there is one less, and as great a miser as one ever meets with. I certainly did not care for her; but, nevertheless, I must go and have a look at her." The husband, while lathering his patient's chin, said: "That is another queer fancy! Nobody but a woman would think of such a thing.