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Updated: August 25, 2024

Don't cry any more." The good-natured tone of his voice quieted the child, as he intended it should. He went away into the back kitchen to wash himself. As he was bending his head over the sink before the little mirror, lathering to shave, there came from outside the dissonant voices of boys, pouring out the dregs of carol-singing. "While Shep-ep-ep-ep-herds watched "

I never stand conferring with pen and ink one moment; for if a pinch of snuff, or a stride or two across the room will not do the business for me I take a razor at once; and having tried the edge of it upon the palm of my hand, without further ceremony, except that of first lathering my beard, I shave it off; taking care only if I do leave a hair, that it be not a grey one: this done, I change my shirt put on a better coat send for my last wig put my topaz ring upon my finger; and in a word, dress myself from one end to the other of me, after my best fashion.

He smoothed her hair; his lips pressed her forehead. "Good-by!" he whispered, though she could not hear. They seemed now to hover on the very brink. A long, racing sluicelike incline of black waters, streaked with swirls of white, appeared before them. The boat plunged and whirled, dipped, righted, and sped on. Behind, a huge, rushing, wall-like mass of lathering, leaping surges.

So then, peace awhile, and here's for the third lather. While he was speaking Baba Mustapha advanced to a large white object that sat motionless, upright like a snow-mound on a throne of cushions, and commenced lathering.

A lathering climb it was, laden as they were with heavy rucksacks, in the moonless obscurity. Now and then the Master's little searchlight his own wonderful invention, a heatless light like an artificial firefly, using no batteries nor any power save universal, etheric rays in an absolute vacuum glowed with pale virescence over some particularly rough bit of going.

Low growls and angry snarls assailed our ears on every side as we hastened on and one by one the ferocious creatures answered the call of their mistress. She spoke a word to each as it joined us. Like well-schooled terriers, they paced the corridors with us, but I could not help but note the lathering jowls, nor the hungry expressions with which they eyed Tars Tarkas and myself.

Steamy sweat and lathering foam streaked the flanks of the desperate, laboring brutes, while clouds of dust were flung up from the dry, furrowed and trampled soil.

We have lost 50 men in two days, and life is unendurable." White puffs of shrapnel from field guns were lathering the place persistently, so that when the German trenches were broken down it was difficult to repair them or move in them.

"Nothing short of one of those big cannon would have done that, Jack. Well, we shall see in the morning what damage is done." The four natives, although they had been warned, were still terribly frightened. The horses had at the first crash broken away and run up the ravine, but they had just brought them down again, still trembling and lathering with fear.

Then he lathered one side of my face thoroughly, and was about to lather the other, when a dog-fight attracted his attention, and he ran to the window and stayed and saw it out, losing two shillings on the result in bets with the other barbers, a thing which gave me great satisfaction. He finished lathering, and then began to rub in the suds with his hand.

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