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"Poor Lancy! how he will grieve for me!" she added in a commiserating tone, as she watched the receding scrap of paper. "You might have allowed me that one bit of consolation, I am sure, Mr. McNeil." "Do you really love Lancy so much? I cannot believe it, Dexie." "You might, nevertheless; for believe me, Mr.

Tom Doane was not the man to fire at the three dark figures riding you down, not knowing which was his brother. But you, you understood that; and you were in, you said to yourself, and you'd play the game out, come what would. You raised your musket and drew upon a figure. At that moment a coast-guard's musket blazed, and you saw the man you had drawn on was Lancy Doane.

It was hard to define her true feelings, but when she understood that Hugh had mistaken her friendliness, her whole being seemed to rise up in a vigorous protest. As it is "an ill wind that blows nobody good," Lancy was made happy again by Dexie's presence.

Stewart Hubbard, Helen Greyson, Ethel Mott, Miss Catherine Penwick, Thayer Kent, the Rev. De Lancy Candish, and Fred Rangely. It was wholly by chance, and without malicious intent that Edith assigned Ethel to Mr. Kent, while Rangely took Mrs. Greyson in to dinner. Mrs.

"Dexie, I never thought you would put me off like this," said Lancy, in a wounded tone "You have known all this time how much I care for you, and how it was to end, and yet you think I may fall in love with someone else when you have gone away. How can you think such a thing?"

"Yes, I will keep it and wear it, now that it means only friendship; of course he does not wish to have it back. I am so glad he has found someone else. He will never forget me, I am sure I know that by my own feelings for him; but if he had kept me to my promise I " but she finished the sentence in the innermost recesses of her heart. Dexie's reply gave Lancy a feeling of relief.

Jump into the cab with us, as far as your way lies, and tell me what this is all about." As they took their seats, Lancy turned to Dexie, who had almost recovered her composure, saying: "You have not yet introduced me to your friend. How shall I call him?" Dexie held up the card she had in her hand, saying: "I do not know myself, and it is too dark to read."

The reader must be content with a meagre description of a visit to the church made many years after the death of the leader, when the excitement was less intense, to which meeting Lancy Gurney and his party are hastening. There are several churches of this sect in different parts of the Island, but the principal church is in a country place called Uigg.

No; for his earnest looks and half-spoken words told all too plainly the nature of the interview. Dexie never could explain, even to herself, why she disliked Hugh so much; but his very presence seemed to raise up all the opposition there was within her. To a stranger, he would have seemed more attractive than Lancy Gurney.

"Yes, but that is not all. She has treated me so scornfully, while Lancy ." He broke off abruptly, with a gesture that finished the sentence for him. "But, Hugh, think a minute! Lancy's tastes are similar to her own. How can she help showing the preference, when their very music seems to draw them together?