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5 P.M., performance of music in the Place de l'Eglise; band of the 19th Regiment. 6 P.M., grand dinner in the College Hall, with toasts, speeches, and concert. 8 P.M., general illumination with Chinese lanterns, &c. 9 P.M., Display of fireworks; procession with torches to the music of the military band.

Cette presomption ne se transformerait-elle pas en certitude si nous reconnaissons dans la doctrine universellement repoussee par l'Eglise les traits caracteristiques de l'une des religions du passe?

Our French author tells us he has seen another copy of this memorial at the end of the dedication to Pope Alexander VII. The author signs his name thus, at full length, 'Paulmier, Pretre Indien Chanoine de l'Eglise Cathedrale de Lizieux. The proprietor of this copy has added a note, testifying that this copy was given him by the author himself in 1664.

Countersigns difficult to remember were often given in the army in order to attract the soldiers' attention more closely. One day the word was Pericles, Persepolis; and a captain of the guard who had a better knowledge of how to command a charge than of Greek history and geography, not hearing it distinctly, gave as the countersign, 'perce l'eglise', which mistake furnished much amusement.

L'Église condamna tout ce qui lui parût neuf ou menaçant pour les dogmes implaçable qui reduisaient le monde en esclavage." Among Sacher-Masoch's works, Venus in Furs is one of the most typical and outstanding. In spite of melodramatic elements and other literary faults, it is unquestionably a sincere work, written without any idea of titillating morbid fancies.

For an excellent description of the organization of the Catholic Church, see Andre Mater, L'eglise catholique, sa constitution, son administration . The best edition of the canon law is that of Friedberg, 2 vols. . On the social work of the Church: E. L. Cutts, Parish Priests and their People in the Middle Ages in England , and G. A. Prevost, L'eglise et les campagnes au moyen age . The most recent and comprehensive study of the Catholic Church on the eve of the Protestant Revolt is that of Pierre Imbart de la Tour, Les origines de la Reforme, Vol.

Purpling as his agitation rises, nailed to his imprisoning corner, alone of his kind, a rebel against all the immensity of things, the man forges. The church bell rang, and we left him there. When I was leaving I heard Brisbille growl. No doubt I got my quietus as well. But what can he have imagined against me? We meet again, all mixed together in the Place de l'Eglise.

On montre dans l'église de Sainte-Apostole un tronçon de la colonne

Shopgirls from the Rue de l'Eglise, and laundresses from the Rue de Paris, curiously contemplated the equipages, with their stamping horses, and the coachmen, erect upon their boxes, motionless, and looking neither to the right nor the left.

Despairing of ever reducing that handful of madmen, who had consumed so much of their time, the Bavarians had run up a gun to the corner of the Place de l'Eglise, and were putting it into position; perhaps they would be allowed to pass when they should have knocked the house to pieces with their solid shot.