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FEJEVARY: I should think you would have a little emotion about the war about America when you consider where your brother is. MADELINE: Fred had all kinds of reasons for going to France. He wanted a trip. Heavens, Fred didn't make speeches about himself. Wanted to see Paris poor kid, he never did see Paris. Wanted to be with a lot of fellows knock the Kaiser's block off end war, get a French girl.

"But there are plenty of them ready to take their places, and the Kaiser's willing to fight to the last man, though you notice he keeps his own precious skin out of the line of fire." "I think Frank's getting us on a string," chaffed Tom, when some minutes had passed in grim waiting. "I don't see any Heinies. Trot out your Huns, Frank, and let's have a look at them."

The Navy Department, however, was so confident that it had the Kaiser's support in everything it did, that one of the submarines was instructed to sink the Arabic. President Wilson's note in the Arabic case again brought the submarine dispute within Germany to a head. Conferences were again held at Great Headquarters.

When Brown by strategy got inside the red-and-white striped poles which marked the entrance to the Over War Lord's quarters, he was at once arrested and taken before Major Nikolai, head of the Kaiser's bodyguard and chief of the field detectives.

Eight years ago, "in 1726," Mamma sent him off upon his travels; to Geneva, Italy, France: he looked in upon Vienna, too; got a Lieutenant-Colonelcy in the Kaiser's Service, but did not like it; soon gave it up; and returned home to vegetate, perhaps to seek a wife, having prospects of succession in Strelitz.

"Well, well," answered the Chief, "we'll see about that afterwards. In the meantime, we shall not forget what you have done ... and I shall see that it is not forgotten elsewhere." On that we left him. It was only outside that I remembered that he had told me nothing of what I was burning to know about the origin and disappearance of the Kaiser's letter.

A few months after the Turks entered the war it was obvious that unaided they could never realise the Kaiser's hope of cutting the Suez Canal communications of the British Empire. The German commitments in Europe were too overwhelming to permit of their rendering the Turks adequate support for a renewed effort against Egypt after the failure of the attack on the Canal in February 1915.

When I arrived at my office the janitor handed me the morning papers and, pointing to the Kaiser's letter, said: "I see the Kaiser has written US another letter. You know he never wrote to US in peace time." There are evidences, too, that others are beginning to think. The Russian revolution is going to cause many Socialists to discuss the future of Germany.

It was late at night, and it was determined that Brown should go on the first military Postzug, which left at 7 A.M. If he was not gone by that time there were terrible threats of what would happen to him. It so happened that the day was the Crown Princess's birthday. Soldiers, grenadiers, and servants of the Kaiser's household celebrated the fact.

There is the Kaiser's, the late Kaiser's, the Czar's, Umberto's, Margarita's, who loves music, more than most and toute la boutique. Then there are also those of all the musicians, and but you will see to-morrow." He had brought his violin-case upstairs, and now opened it and took out his Amati. "I will play for you, ma chère fille," he declared. And he played. Brigit watched him, amazed.