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They are my brothers " "Do you think you can jilt their sister, the girl you asked for as your wife before all the tribe, and escape their vengeance? Do you think they will not punish you, even by seeing that you die in a prison, in a cell?" And now John, beside himself with anger, fulfilled the threat of his uplifted hand, and struck Lolla sharply. "Strike me again!" cried Lolla, furiously.

Meyrick!" said he, and turned suddenly respectful. But presently a view of a rich widow flitted before his eye. "Well," said he, "you shan't throw it in my teeth again as I speak too late. I ask you now, and no time lost." "What! am I to stop my banns, and jilt Farmer Meyrick for thee?" "Nay, nay.

"Don't tell me you are going to jilt me!" she said tragically. "Because, if you are, let me know in time, as I shall want to bring an action for breach of promise. I've just met such a capable young man who will look after the whole thing for me. He wears a bowler hat on the side of his head and calls waitresses 'Mabel'. Answer 'yes' or 'no'. Will you marry me?"

"Well; I don't know. It was very nice to know that you were my lover." "Why shouldn't Mary think it very nice to have a lover?" "But I knew that you would be true." "Why shouldn't Carstairs be true?" "Remember he is so young. You were in orders." "I don't know that I was at all more likely to be true on that account. A clergyman can jilt a girl just as well as another.

I can tell by the glitter in your eye that you are intending to propose to this girl probably this morning. Don't do it. Women are the devil, whether they marry you or jilt you. Do you realise that women wear black evening dresses that have to be hooked up in a hurry when you are late for the theatre, and that, out of sheer wanton malignity, the hooks and eyes on those dresses are also made black?

Our curiosity was piqued; the poor carpenter, then, had been falling in love with some island coquette, who was going to jilt him. But such was not the case. There was a law prohibiting, under a heavy penalty, the marriage of a native with a foreigner, unless the latter, after being three years a resident on the island, was willing to affirm his settled intention of remaining for life.

"I didn't, either, jilt Joe Hazeltine!" stormed Rae Malgregor explosively. Backed up against her bureau, eyes flaming, breast heaving, little candy-box cap all tossed askew over her left ear, she stood defying her tormentor. "I didn't, either, jilt Joe Hazeltine!" she reasserted passionately. "It was Joe Hazeltine that jilted me! And we 'd been going together since we were kids!

It was my wish of course to justify her in doing so, and to carry my readers along with me in my sympathy with her. But everybody found fault with me for marrying her to the tailor. What would they have said if I had allowed her to jilt the tailor and marry the good-looking young lord? How much louder, then, would have been the censure! The book was read, and I was satisfied.

So, joking, laughing, they went in; while plain John Saddler backed out of the porch as sooty Nan came running up, for fear the jilt might offer somewhat of the sort to him, and was off in haste to see to his teams," There's no leaving it to the boys," said he, "for they'd rub 'em down wi' a water-pail, and give 'em straw to drink."

Granger?" asked George Fairfax, with an angry look in his eyes. "Are we to part upon that? It is such an easy thing to lure a man on to a certain point, and then turn upon him and protest you never meant to go beyond that point. You have paid the penalty! Do you think I have paid no penalty? Was it a pleasant thing to me, do you suppose, to jilt Geraldine Challoner?