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The stranger, propping himself against a broken tub, proceeded, with some circumlocution and not remarkable perspicuity of speech, to deliver the message with which he was charged. It was to the effect that a vision had revealed to Brother Jarrum the startling fact, that Susan Peckaby was not to go out with the crowd at present on the wing. A higher destiny awaited her.

"Sir, that's a matter that's hid from me," answered Mrs. Peckaby. "The gentleman that was sent back to me by Brother Jarrum, hadn't had particulars revealed to him. There's difficulties in the way of a animal on four legs which can't swim, doing it all, that I don't pretend to explain away. I'm content, when the hour comes, sir, to start, and trust. Peckaby, he's awful sinful, sir.

"How many wives, besides herself, had the gentleman that she chose?" "Who took care of the babies?" "Did they have many public dances?" "Was veils for the bonnets all the go?" "Was it a paradise or warn't it?" "And how was Brother Jarrum?" Amongst the many questions asked, those came prominently, tingling on the ears of the unhappy Mrs. Peckaby.

"Stars and snakes!" said Brother Jarrum, whose style of oratory was more peculiar than elegant, "what flounders me is, that the whole lot of you Britishers don't migrate of yourselves to the desired city the promised land the Zion on the mountains.

Not one of us saints, hardly, but was expecting some friend by it a sister, or a father, or a sweetheart, maybe; and away we hurried outside the city. Presently the train came in sight." "They have railroads there, then?" spoke a man, who was listening with eager interest. It was decent, civil Grind. "Not yet; we shall have 'em shortly," said Brother Jarrum.

How they had, after innumerable hardships on the road, too long to recite then, after losing some of their party by death, two of his children being amongst them how they had at length reached the Salt Lake city, so gloriously depicted by Brother Jarrum. And what did they find? Instead of an abode of peace and plenty, of luxury, of immunity from work, they found misery and discomfort.

You should see the plains of sage! It grows wild." "And there's ducks, you say?" observed Susan Peckaby. "It's convenient to have sage in plenty where there's ducks," added she to the assembly in general. "What a land it must be!" "A land that's not to be ekalled! A land flowing with milk and honey!" rapturously echoed Brother Jarrum.

She would be sent for in a different manner in a more important form; sent for special, on a quadruped. "On a white donkey?" echoed the trembling and joyful woman. "On a white donkey," gravely repeated the brother for that he was another brother of the community, there could be little doubt. "What the special honour intended for you may be, me and Brother Jarrum don't pertend to guess at.

"It were revealed to Brother Jarrum so to do, sir," she cried eagerly. "Don't listen to him. Brother Jarrum as much meant me to go, sir, and I as much thought to go, as I mean to go to my bed this night always supposing the white donkey don't come," she broke off in a different voice. "Why did you not go, then?" demanded Lionel. "I'll tell you about it, sir.

There's a'most everything good at New Jerusalem that the world contains Verner's Pride's a poor place to it, sir saving your presence for saying so. I could have sat and listened to Brother Jarrum in this here shop for ever, sir, if it hadn't been that the longing was upon me to get there.