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But Abel untied his hands, in spite of the Deacon's considerate remonstrance. "Now," said the Doctor, "the first thing is to put the joint back." "Stop," said Deacon Soper, "stop a minute. Don't you think it will be safer for the women-folks jest to wait till mornin', afore you put that j'int into the socket?" Colonel Sprowle, who had been called by a special messenger, spoke up at this moment.

I hear his place is mortgaged, and they've got him cited in chancery. 'The black knob' is on him, said I. 'The black what, sir? says Bluenose. 'Nothin', says I. 'But the next, who improves that house? 'Why that's E. F.'s; he was the greatest farmer in these parts, another of the aristocracy; had a most a noble stock o' cattle, and the matter of some hundreds out in j'int notes.

"Jonadab was at the bottom step to welcome 'em, bowin' and scrapin' as if his middle j'int had just been iled. I wa'n't fur astern, and every boarder on deck was all eyes and envy. "The shofer opens the door of the after cockpit of the machine, and the man gets out fust, treadin' gingerly but grand, as if he was doin' the ground a condescension by steppin' on it.

And a dog might tackle him and bully-rag him, and bite him, and throw him over his shoulder two or three times, and Andrew Jackson which was the name of the pup Andrew Jackson would never let on but what he was satisfied, and hadn't expected nothing else and the bets being doubled and doubled on the other side all the time, till the money was all up; and then all of a sudden he would grab that other dog jest by the j'int of his hind leg and freeze to it not chaw, you understand, but only just grip and hang on till they throwed up the sponge, if it was a year.

"I want de juiciest j'int, de tenderest, fattest turkey, de freshest eggs right from de nest, 'cause de 'casion is to be Missus Ruth's weddin' dinner," he said. Many banquets had Phillis prepared, but never one like the dinner for Miss Ruth on her wedding day.

"Colonel Sprowle, you're a justice of the peace," said Deacon Soper, "and you know what the law says in cases like this. I a'n't so clear that it won't have to come afore the Grand Jury, whether we will or no." "I guess we'll set that j'int to-morrow mornin'," said Colonel Sprowle, which made a laugh at the Deacon's expense, and virtually settled the question.

"Let the women-folks and the deacons go home, if they're scared, and put the fellah's j'int in as quick as you like. I 'll resk him, j'int in or out." "I want one of you to go straight down to Dudley Venner's with a message," the Doctor said. "I will have the young man's shoulder in quick enough."

"Including gold," assented Frank; and there it all lies has lain since creation hundreds of thousands of acres of splendid land unoccupied. "Ha! there's a screw loose somewhere," said Joe, taking the pipe from his lips and looking at it earnestly, as if the remark were addressed to it, "somethin' out o' j'int a plank started, so to speak cer'nly."

Why, I min' seein' a leetle rat of a man come on board one time 'scorted by a dozen 'o the biggest bugs in the city, an' people a-stretchin' their necks out o' j'int to ketch a look of him. Sech a mealy-faced, weak-lookin' atomy he was! But millions o' people was a-readin' that very day a big speech he'd made in Washin'ton, an' he'd saved the country from trouble more 'n once.

And a dog might tackle him, and bully-rag him, and bite him, and throw him over his shoulder two or three times, and Andrew Jackson which was the name of the pup Andrew Jackson would never let on but what he was satisfied, and hadn't expected nothing else and the bets being doubled and doubled on the other side all the time, till the money was all up; and then all of a sudden he would grab that other dog jest by the j'int of his hind leg and freeze to it not chaw, you understand, but only jest grip and hang on till they throwed up the sponge, if it was a year.