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I've seen the worrld, an' I must see it again, but wance in a while I'll be comin' around here to see the best man's country on the globe, an' to meet agin the best man I ivver knew. I'll not till why I belave it, for that I can not do, but shure I do belave it, this is the land for you.

'Has she been long like this? she asked softly of the neighbour who sat quietly knitting by the evening light. The woman looked up and thought. 'Ay! she said. 'Aa came in at tea-time, an' she's been maistly taakin' ivver sence!

It's the quietest an' most comfortin' thing in life is an Irish wake whin it's gone about properly." "But we don't want comforting, Teddy," said Dominick, "it is rather a subject for rejoicing." "Well, then, what's to hinder us rejoicin' in comfort?" returned Teddy. "At all the wakes I ivver attinded there was more rejoicin' than comfortin' goin' on; but that's a matter of taste, av coorse."

'Arta saved? asked t' local, and Sam answered: 'I'm convicted o' sin. 'Praise be to God, sang out t' local, and we gat Sam off his knees and out o' t' chapil an' away home. An' ivver sin that time Sam's coom reg'lar to chapil twice on Sundays an' to t' weeknight sarvice too."

"Faith," observed Garry O'Neil reflectively, "It was as purty a bit of foighting as I ivver took a hand in, whilst it lasted!" "But let us go and see what has become of all those chaps below all those you mentioned as belonging to the French crew, whom you left on board with your daughter," went on the skipper.

So I sinds over to me ould Aunt's country not, ye may suppose, over the signayture o' Cubberd Allen Wiggit-Galt, but as Henry Battersleigh, agent o' the British American Colonization Society an' I says to the proper party there, says I, 'I've fifteen hundred acres o' the loveliest land that ivver lay out of dures, an' ye may have it for the trifle o' fifty dollars the acre.

But tin to wan, if ye lie still under cover, she'll be sendin' out skirmishers to see where ye are an' what ye are doin'. Now, ye love the gyurl, I know, an' so do I, an' so does ivery man that ivver saw her, for she's the sort min can't help adorin'. But, mind me, kape away. Don't write to her. Don't make poetry about her God forbid! Don't do the act o' serrynadin' in anny way whativver.

He pitched the piece of `gammy duff' he was carving on his plate, which, by the way, was as hard as a brickbat, with the raisins or `gammies' which it contained barely at signal distance apart, right up above his head to the deck beam, where it caught on to one of the hooks and remained a fixture. "Bedad, Tom, ye're an anjul if ivver ther wor one," he cried, capering about as if he were mad.

Marahemo, I may mention, is a hill about three miles back from the river. It is about one thousand feet high, I suppose, and lies behind our land. "Did ye ivver hear the loike av that, now?" roared O'Gaygun, boisterously. "Here's the bhoy for ye!

Mallathorpe, lyin' i' a dead faint close by! And they say 'at she's nivver done nowt but go out o' one faint into another, ivver since. So, of course, she's nivver been able to tell if she saw owt or knew owt! And what I say is," he concluded, with a heavy thump of the table, "that theer crowner's quest owt to ha' been what they term adjourned, until Mrs.