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Shure, pfwhat is that gives one man the lofty air an' the overlookin' eye, where another full his ekil in inches fears to draw the same breath o' life with him? Succiss, succiss, me boy! Some calls it luck, though most lays it to their own shupayrior merit. For Batty, he lays it to nothin' whativver, but takes it like a philosopher an' a gintleman."

There's nothin' at all whativver in that ijee of stickin' it with a straw. Moreover, these straws is shameful." The others watched him eagerly as he removed the hot tin from the oven and set it upon the bare table. "I'm thinkin' it looks a bit dumpish midships, Ned," said Battersleigh dubiously.

"I'd planned it for months I've follered owd Melrose many times I've been close oop to 'im when he had noa noshun whativver. I might ha' killt him a doosen times over. He wor a devil an' I paid him oot! I was creepin' round t' hoose that night and ov a suddent, there was a door openin', an' a light. It seemed to be God sayin', 'Theer's a way, mon! go in, and do't! So I went in.

"When we wor little 'uns, fadther used to give me an Hubert a silver saxpence the day he browt home t' fresh melder fro' t' mill," said Polly; "theer was parlish little nobbut paritch and oatcake to eat when we wor small. An now I'll uphold yo there isn't a farm servant but wants his white bread yanst a day whativver happens."

But tin to wan, if ye lie still under cover, she'll be sendin' out skirmishers to see where ye are an' what ye are doin'. Now, ye love the gyurl, I know, an' so do I, an' so does ivery man that ivver saw her, for she's the sort min can't help adorin'. But, mind me, kape away. Don't write to her. Don't make poetry about her God forbid! Don't do the act o' serrynadin' in anny way whativver.

Whativver ye can do wid it, that's what this counthry's made for! Wine! an' ile! an' raisins! an' " "Oh, shut up, O'Gaygun! Get out, you miserable misanthrope!" Nevertheless, I think our Irish chum was about right in what he said, after all, especially in the last part of his remarks.