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"How beautiful upon the mountains are the feet of him who bringeth glad tidings, who publisheth peace!" Ruth Devlin entered, saying, "I have come, to ask you if you will dine with us next Monday evening?" Then she explained the occasion of the dinner party, and said: "You see, though it is formal, I am asking our guests informally;" and she added as neutrally and as lightly as she could "Mr.

November 10 ... Beach, Thompson, and Cobb came over with me from Cabinet and staid, taking informally a family dinner. The party was free and communicative; Toucey would not stay for dinner. Mr. Pickens, late Minister to Russia, came in after dinner with Mr. Trescott, Assistant Secretary of State, and sat an hour, talking about the distracted state of public feeling at the South.

When he got up to leave he asked casually: "By the way, do you happen to know where Mr. Henriksen went?" "To the telegraph office. He told me he had some wires to send." "Thank you. I trust you will pardon me for descending upon you so informally. It is kind of you to allow me to make your acquaintance." "If you are going to stay awhile I trust we shall meet again," said the Attorney amiably.

Then he saw it where it had fallen and he went down on the wet lawn and got it. Watch him when he comes in to breakfast. He will be wearing a collar, and it will not be the one he wore last night." Billy turned and tip-toed softly up the stairs again, undoing his tie as he went. When he came down his neck was neatly, but informally swathed in a white handkerchief.

Their father did not like company, except such as came informally in their way; and their mother had remained too rustic to know how to attract it in the sophisticated city fashion.

Captain Bywater was dropped with a suddenness and severity which he could not fail to understand. He received no more invitations from mothers with marriageable daughters, and when he presented himself at their doors informally and forbidden he found nobody at home.

People have a charming habit of dropping around informally here everybody's at home." "Don't you love me any more?" inquired Helena, unconvinced, and still pouting. "Of course, I do!" asserted Madison, laughing at her. "Don't be a goose, Helena. You remember what I told you all in the Roost, don't you?

These clubs may be commenced very informally by a simple agreement among those who are interested and are provided, or will provide themselves, with weapons, to meet together at stated intervals for target-practice, which should be conducted according to the rules which have been found most effectual for securing good marksmanship.

It is a profound secret, more or less, so you must promise not to breathe a word about it till half-past four, when it will appear in all the six o'clock newspapers." Tony paused for dramatic effect, while he drained his goblet, and then made his announcement. "Majesty is going to be present. Informally and unofficially, but still present in the flesh.

"Go through to them," said Seton informally. "I'm getting my notes; we're going to read the thrilling story of the Kazmah mystery before dinner." "Good enough!" cried Gray. "I'm in the dark on many points." He had outlived his youthful infatuation, although it was probable enough that had Rita been free he would have presented himself as a suitor without delay.