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check on the otherwise unbounded power of parliament; that check could be no other than a co-ordinate authority, possessing a negative voice; and that authority was the protector, who had been pointed out to them by Providence, acknowledged by the people in their addresses, and confirmed by the conditions expressed in the indentures of the members.

I was anxious enough to follow Charley's advice, but do all I could, the idea came back and back again whenever I found myself during my watch at night taking a turn by myself on deck. Charley was already out of his indentures, and as he had become a steady fellow and a good seaman, he hoped to be made mate on his next voyage.

Yes, child, you can have them." "I don't want them!" cried Ann, "never. I want them to stay just where they are, till my time is out. If I am adopted, I don't want the papers!" Mrs. Polly stared. She had never known how Ann had taken the indentures with her on her run-away trip years ago; but now Ann told her the whole story. In her gratitude to her mistress, and her contrition, she had to.

He whispered to Stephen, "'Tis the King!" "Ha! ha!" laughed Henry, "hast found him out, lads? Well, it may not be the worse for ye. Pity thou shouldst not be in the Forest still, my young falconer, but we know our good city of London too well to break thy indentures. And thou " He was turning to Ambrose when further shouts were heard.

The men said that he did not do so to me, for fear I should refuse to be his apprentice; but that, as soon as my indentures were signed, he would treat me in the same way. "Well, I made up my mind that I would not remain in the collier; and, as the captain had gone on shore, I had plenty of time to look about me.

In the indentures it was agreed, among other matters, that the bailiff and his successors might cause to be carried, before him and them by their sergeants, their mace or maces and the sword likewise if the king should ever give them one not only to and in the parish church, but also in the cathedral and cemetery, especially on festival days, and processions, and solemn sermons, and at the reception and installation of bishops, and at all other fit times.

The line of sea- coast, with all its varied curves, indentures, and embayments, swept away from the sight on either hand, in that varied, intricate, yet graceful and easy line which the eye loves so well to pursue.

The more I made faces and gestures to him to do it, the more confidential, argumentative, and polite, he persisted in being to Me. "Have you brought his indentures with you?" asked Miss Havisham. "Well, Pip, you know," replied Joe, as if that were a little unreasonable, "you yourself see me put 'em in my 'at, and therefore you know as they are here."

Why, what a noise is here as if the undoing a young Heir were such a Wonder; ods so I've undone a hundred without, half this ado. Gay. I do believe thee and am come to tell you I'll be none of that Number for this Minute I'll go and redeem it and free myself from the Hell of your Indentures. Sir Cau. How, redeem it! sure the Devil must help him then.

It was at twelve years of age that Franklin signed indentures as an apprentice to his older brother James, who was already an established printer.