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He returned in about half an hour, and having this time to run the gauntlet of the street alone, entered with a mien which caused his wife's complaints to remain unspoken. The cough of Mr. Brown, a particularly contagious one, still rang in his ears, and he sat for some time in fierce silence. "I see her on the tram," he said, at last "Her name's Robinson Miss Robinson." "In-deed!" said his wife.

Yes, I am sorry for Joe, because he is a likely young fellow, and gains upon one every time one sees him. But he'll start off, you'll find. Indeed he told me as much himself! 'Indeed! cried Dolly in a faint voice. 'In-deed! 'Is the tea tickling your throat still, my dear? said the locksmith.

"I don't think I know." "Definite again. How do you know?" "Because France has declared war against Germany, and wool has gone up fourteen per cent. in London and is still rising." "Oh, in-deed? Now then, I've got you! Such a thunderbolt as you have just let fly ought to have made me jump out of my chair, but it didn't stir me the least little bit, you see.

I know nothing of the Land of Oz, and I know nothing of Kansas." "Why, this is the Land of Oz!" cried Dorothy. "It's a part of the Land of Oz, anyhow, whether you know it or not." "Oh, in-deed!" answered Queen Coo-ee-oh, scornfully. "I suppose you will claim next that this Princess Ozma, ruling the Land of Oz, rules me!" "Of course," returned Dorothy. "There's no doubt of it."

'Captain Cuttle's at home, I know, said Walter with a conciliatory smile. 'Is he? replied the widow lady. 'In-deed! 'He has just been speaking to me, said Walter, in breathless explanation. 'Has he? replied the widow lady.

Grimes, perhaps you are not aware that my father-in-law is dangerously ill can enter upon no business, and see no person." "In-deed?" His thorough insolence of manner brought Agatha's dignity back. She remembered that she was a lady belonging to the house, and that this fellow, whose behaviour made his grey hairs so little worthy of respect, was her father-in-law's invited guest.

Would that be Hereford Cathedral, Mr. Dean? 'No, Worby, says the Dean, 'that's Southminster Cathedral as we hope to see it before many years. 'In-deed, sir, says my father, and that was all he did say leastways to the Dean but he used to tell me he felt really faint in himself when he looked round our choir as I can remember it, all comfortable and furnished-like, and then see this nasty little dry picter, as he called it, drawn out by some London architect.

In-deed, but for the certainty that ugly persons are just as irrational in the matter of undivided love as the beautiful, it seems that polygamy was a blessed institution for the women, and that only the dread threats of the spiritual power could drive the hulking, board-faced men into it. The women wore hideous garments, and the men appeared to be tied up with strings.

"In-deed to goot-ness, miss," she cried, "you wass be-tween the Garren River an' Huntsham Bridge. It iss a bad place, so it iss, however. Me an' my young man wass shoaled there once, we wass."

He crosses the street, twenty times a day, to look at it from the other side of the way; and invariably says, on these occasions, 'Ed'ard Cuttle, my lad, if your mother could ha' know'd as you would ever be a man o' science, the good old creetur would ha' been took aback in-deed!