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Updated: August 6, 2024

Then when the full import of Doc Coffin's words had percolated through and through his brain he pulled himself to a sitting posture and swung a leg to the floor. Doc Coffin was beside him instantly. "Lie down, you idjit!" commanded Doc Coffin, and with no gentle hand shoved Bull down upon his pillow. "Whadda you think yo're gonna do?" "I'm goin' out and fill that full of lead." "Oh, you are, huh?

"Allowed it!" "Yes, allowed it, I said. Want me to spell it for you? You thumb-handed idjit, if you had any more sense you'd be a damfool. Don't you know that in anything you do, no matter what, they's no profit in unnecessary trimmings?

"It air the traveler's, ye sodden idjit!" said Brierwood, lifting his uncouth foot and giving him a jocose kick. But the short man was not satisfied. He rose, went outside, and Jim could hear him beating about among the bushes. Presently he came in again. "'Twar the traveler's critter, I reckon; an' that critter an' saddle oughter be counted in my sheer."

He did not receive an answer then, for the long expected relief came at last, a great hulk of a woman, who became voluble when she saw the child she had come to nurse. "Oh! dear, oh! dear," the stream began. "How unforchnit, and 'er first, too. It'll be a idjit, I'm afraid. Mrs. 'Arrison's third was the very spit of it...." The stream ran on, but Stott heard no more. An idiot!

"Drop that! Idjit! What you doing?" yelled Jimmy. "Mary, ye goose!" panted Dannie, as he came hurrying across the yard. "Wha' do ye mean? Ye knew I'd be back in a minute! Jimmy juist called me to hear the Bass splash. I was comin' back. Mary, this amna fair." Dannie took the spade from her hand, and Mary fled sobbing to the house. "What's the row?" demanded Jimmy of the suffering Dannie.

A patch of heightened color glowed in her soft cheeks. "That would have been better, Johnnie. But since you have introduced the subject, I'll tell you that Mr. Lindsay and I are friends. Neither of us has the slightest intention of being anything more. You may not understand such things." "No'm," he admitted humbly. "I reckon I'm a plumb idjit." His attitude was so dejected that she relented.

The Clown now cut in: "And it beats all how ye kin understand him when he talks," he laughed, too loyal to his friend to throw doubt on the old trapper's veracity, "and yet it's kind o' cur'ous how a dog as old as him and that's had as much experience as him kin git twisted julluk some pusillanimous idjit that ain't never been off the poor-house road."

As he could not call to them he began to wave his arms to attract their attention, and then, all at once, he was nearly paralysed by a hail from close at hand of: "Hello there, ye bloomin' idjit! Wot's hup?" Whirling around, Cabot saw, standing only a few rods away, a man who had evidently just climbed the opposite side of the ridge.

'He'd go in an' lame thim with th' Revised Statutes. 'I presume, says th' lad, 'that ye'er fr'm Omaha. 'I'll tear ye'er hair out, says Hinnissy. "'Ye idjit, says I, whin I had him in th' sthreet, 'it wasn't Bill O'Brien was nommynated, says I. 'What ar-re ye talkin' about? says he. 'I seen him on th' flure, he says.

We've got wives ashore, you and me have, and these men has got families dependent on 'em. I tell ye to turn round and go ashore!" "Turn round, you devilish idjit?" bellowed the Cap'n. "What do you think this is one of your circus wagons with a span of hosses hitched in front of it? I told you once before that I didn't want to be bothered with conversation. I tell you so ag'in.

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