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"Oh, but, Aunt Melvy, won't you please let her come?" begged Nell, throwing off her sun-bonnet and letting down a tangle of yellow curls. "I have n't got anybody to play with me. Mother drove to town with father, and she said I was to get 'Mazin' Grace to stay with me." "Why, I'se gwine to let her come, honey," said Aunt Melvy, "co'se I is.

Ef he'll fix up dis matter wid Lugena, I hain't no mo' complaint, an' I'se mighty sorry 'bout dat, kase Marse Desmit hab allus been mighty kin' ter me all 'cept dis time an' once afo'."

"I'se brought de cart, as you tole me, Caesar," he remarked. "Am it all right?" "It am, sar," remarked Caesar the hitherto unnamed negro loftily; "when did you ebber know me to fail in what I undertooken, eh, sar?" "Nebber, sah, nebber," answered Moses appreciatively. "An' so dat am de gebberlum, am it?" pointing at me with his chin, as I lay huddled up on the floor.

The fare is far different to what you have been accustomed to. 'I'se nought particular about my meat, said he, as if offended. 'But you've reckoned on having butcher's meat once a day, if you're in work; pay for that out of your ten shillings, and keep those poor children if you can. I owe it to you since it's my way of talking that has set you off on this idea to put it all clear before you.

"Dar war a colored wooman once I'se waited on dat hed to help de white folks kill hogs en she neber did like hog liver but de white folks told her ter take one home en fix hit foh her supper.

Josephine approached and took up in her own hands these evidences of an earlier occupancy of the room. They were garments of a day gone by. The silks were faded, dingy, worn in the creases from sheer disuse. Apparently they had hung untouched for some time. "Whose were these, Sally?" demanded Josephine. "I dunno, Ma'am. I'se been mos'ly in the kitchen, Ma'am." Josephine regarded her closely.

I kyant lif my han' no mo'." "Granny," said Chunk, sauntering in, "you des watch at de do'," and without waiting for a word he went up the ladder, lifted the door and closed it. "Ah, Chunk, I wanted you badly," said Scoville. "Do you think it possible for me to get away at once?" "Dat des w'at I come ter see 'bout, mars'r, en I'se gwine wid you.

"And the old blind rat had a little bit of stick in its mouth, just as the blind man in the lane has a stick in his hand, and the pretty black rat took the other end in his teeth, and so pulled the old un on his way." "I'se never heard of rats doing that afore," said Bob. "That's not all that I saw about 'em," continued Billy.

He say, 'What you prayin' 'bout? An you say, 'Oh, Marster I'se jes prayin' to Jesus cause I wants to go to Heaven when I dies. An Marster say, 'Youse my negro. I git ye to Heaven. Git up off'n your knees. De white folks what owned slaves thought that when dey go to Heaven de collored folk's would be dar to wait on em.

Not daring, or caring, to question his guide, until they were safely on the edge of a pier that was several feet above the sea. "What now?" he said. "All right. I have a bateau tied down da, waitin' for us. Her's de rope to slide down. But as you'se afeerd, mebbe I'd better go down fust. Here goes! I'se afeerd of nuffin, 'specially in de harbor."