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"Madame de Pavannes," he said in a dry, husky voice, and without looking up, "was spirited hither yesterday; and detained against her will by this good man, who will have to answer for it. Madame d'O discovered her whereabouts, and asked me to escort her here without loss of time to enforce her sister's release." "And her restoration to her distracted husband?"

Her voice grew tremulous, husky, and suddenly bending back her daughter's head, she looked long at the grieved countenance. "His last words were: 'Minnie love, let our baby's eyes and lips plead pardon for her father's unintentional sins. They do; they always shall. Cuthbert's own wonderful eyes shining in his daughter's.

His voice was husky as he leaned over and laid his hand gently upon the damp brow of the invalid. "You are going to get well, George. You will be as sound as a rock in no time at all. Trust me, old fellow,—and don't worry." "But that's what they always say," whispered George, peering straight into the other's eyes. "Doctors always say that. What are you doing here, Brady?

So when he had to give his lecture without her, he got mixed up and called attention to the marvelous growth of hair on the face of the 'Circassian Beauty, thinking she was the 'Bearded Lady, and nearly pulled the ears off of the 'Dog Faced Boy, trying to explain that he was 'The Man With The Rubber Skin. Of course, that made trouble among the freaks, who are a mighty touchy lot anyway, and I have noticed that trouble always comes in bunches in the show business, so I wasn't surprised when a husky guy that looked like a farmer came in with blood in his eye and asked for the manager.

Could the boy have heard anything? he wondered, for his suspicions were very near the truth. "It's all nonsense!" he said, roughly. "Next time you see him, Hooker, foller him home, and find out where he lives." "All right, Tim. It ought to be worth something," he insinuated, with a husky cough. "That's so. What'll you take?" "Whiskey," answered Hooker, with a look of pleased anticipation.

"Mart, I'm going back to Sibley." He looked at her with startled eyes his brow wrinkling into sorrowful lines. "For how long?" "I don't know it may be a good while. I'm going away to think things over." Then she added, firmly, "I may not come back at all, Mart." "For God's sake, don't say that, girlie! You don't mean that!" His voice was husky with the agony that filled his throat.

I thought at first Plodkins was dead, notwithstanding his open eyes staring at the ceiling; but he murmured, in a sort of husky far-away whisper, "Thank God," and then closed his eyes. "What's the matter, Plodkins?" I said. "Are you ill? What's the matter with you? Shall I call for help?" There was a feeble negative motion of the head. Then he said, in a whisper, "Is the door bolted?"

Her blue eyes swam in two lakes of pure crystal, that overflowed continually; her mouth, which was usually round, had become an elongated oval; and her nut-brown hair fell in dishevelled masses over her soft cheeks. "O Charley," she continued, "why won't you stay?" "Listen to me, dearest Kate," said Charley, in a very husky voice.

But, as time passed, I gradually learned to love you you became my one object in life, and I vowed that I would do everything in my power to make your life happy, for your mother's sake, as well as for your own," he concluded in tremulous, husky tones, while tears stood in his eyes.

He was wearing a coarse and patched coat, and was walking in zigzags, grumbling and swearing to himself. Then suddenly he would begin singing in a husky drunken voice: “Ach, Vanka’s gone to Petersburg; I won’t wait till he comes back.” But he broke off every time at the second line and began swearing again; then he would begin the same song again.