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Pressed hardly, Hunnicott admitted the probability; given another turn, the screw of inquiry squeezed out an admission of the fact, slurred over by the revivalist, that the railway company's treasury was really the alms-box into which all hands were dipping. "One more question and I'll let up on you," said Kent.

Kent took his head out of the cross-seas long enough to answer. By all means Hunnicott was to obtain another continuance, if possible. And if, before the case were called, there should be any new developments, he was to wire at once to the general office, and further instructions would issue.

Do you remember showing me a letter that Mr. Hunnicott wrote you just before the explosion a letter in which he repeated a bit of gossip about Mr. Semple Falkland and his mysterious visit to Gaston?" "Yes, I remember it." "Do you know who Mr. Falkland is?" "Who doesn't?" he queried. "He has half of Wall Street in his clientele."

Hawk was visibly disgusted, and Judge MacFarlane was growing justly impatient. Hunnicott began again, and the judge reproved him mildly. "Much of what you are saying is entirely irrelevant, Mr. Hunnicott. This hearing is on the plaintiff's amended petition."

So, on the Friday, when the case was reached on Judge MacFarlane's docket but really, it is worth our while to be present in the Gaston court-room to see and hear what befalls. When the Varnum case was called, Hunnicott promptly moved for a third continuance, in accordance with his instructions.

"But, your Honor! a delay of only twenty-four hours in which to prepare a rejoinder to this petition to allegations of such astounding gravity?" he began, shocked into action by the very ungraspable magnitude of the thing. "What more could you ask, Mr. Hunnicott?" said the judge, mildly. "You have already had a full measure of delay on the original petition.

Why, it's all along the line, everywhere." "I'm telling you that Guilford isn't the man. He is only a cog in the wheel. There is a bigger mind than his behind it." "I can't help it," Hunnicott protested. "I don't believe that any man or clique could bring this thing about unless we were really on the upturn." "Very good; believe what you please, but do as I tell you.

"Certainly; that is the proper rejoinder the only one, in fact," said Kent; then, as a great doubt laid hold of him and shook him: "You don't mean to say there is any doubt about our ability to do it?" "Oh, no; I suppose not, if it comes to a show-down. But I was thinking of your man Hunnicott.

They have always been missing, in point of fact." Loring was glancing over the letter. "How about this affidavit business, and the Falkland stop-over?" he asked. "Oh, I fancy that's gossip, pure and simple, as Hunnicott says. Hawk is sharp enough not to let us know if he were baiting a trap. And Falkland probably told the Clarion man the simple truth." Loring nodded in his turn.

The first man I met after dinner was Hunnicott, and when I had made him my broker in the real estate affair we fell to talking about the railroad steal. Speaking of MacFarlane's continued absence, Hunnicott said, jokingly, that it was a pity we couldn't go back to the methods of a few hundred years ago and hire the Hot Springs doctor to 'obliterate' him.