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Into his life of loneliness, of lovelessness, of despair a life from which everyone who had really cared for him had been snatched by untimely death and shut away from him forever in an early grave a life where there had been not only sorrow, but bitterness where there had been pain and want and homelessness and desolate wanderings and longings for the unattainable where there had been misunderstanding and distrust and temptation and defeat into such a life this wee bit of maidenhood this true heartsease had crept and blossomed, filling heart and life with beauty and hope and love with blessed healing.

But when Jesus calls Himself 'Son of Man, He claims to be the realised ideal of humanity, and when, as in that saying, He contrasts the condition of 'the Son of Man' with that of the animal creation, we can scarcely avoid giving to the words their wider application to the same contrast between man's homelessness and the creatures' repose which we have found in the Psalmist's sigh. Yes!

Thanks to certain readers of the Daily Graphic and to the members of the Omar Khayyam Club, I had a fund in hand for Posh's benefit, and immediately put a stop to his homelessness. Indeed, he knew of this fund, and that he could draw on it at need when he chose. But I believe the old man's heart was broken. He has never been the same man since.

Remember the Christ crying upon the cross 'My God, My God, why hast Thou forsaken Me? and suffering during that brief utterance the sum of all the agony of sensible insignificance and sensible homelessness human nature ever has borne or will bear." "Ah, the Christ! the Christ!" Lady Calmady exclaimed, half wistfully as it seemed to Julius March, and half impatiently.

He had some faint hope that the waters might do him good: but he found the sandy stretches and long lines of straight firs in Canada very monotonous; and he was already beginning to be oppressed by the sense of homelessness.

The girl gave him a stiff little inclination of her head. She had done much personal violence to her sense of pride, yet she had come back because the alternative worklessness, possible starvation and homelessness had not appealed to her. And, after all, knowing Mr. Slotman to be what he was, she was forewarned and forearmed. So Joan came back and took up her old work, and Mr.

And young girls of the best families go around loose with men day and night. What could be the result? Free love. And free love means cheap love or no love at all. Admittedly pretty low conditions for virtue. What else can be looked for in a country where all sorts of people come promiscuously from everywhere? Divorces, voting females, slatterns, homelessness, neglected, poorly educated children."

The long tramping, the everlasting trail on false scents, the mental battling with troubles past and present, had given a fortitude and vigour to the body beyond what it had ever known. In spite of his homelessness and pilgrim equipment he looked as though he had a home far off. The eyes did not smile; but the lips showed the goodness of his heart and its hardness too.

In these thrilling words, the greatest of Christian pastors, rising above the poverty, homelessness, and scorn that surrounded him, reaches forth his hand and grasps his royal diadem. No man shall rob the aged hero of his crown. No chaplet worn by a Roman conqueror in the hour of his brightest triumph, rivals the coronal that Pastor Paul sees flashing before his eyes.

If the world one day came to be peopled with none but supermen what profit in that, as long as they must die? What is your faith? Ah, this sense of exile, of religious homelessness!