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Seized with a Berserker rage, I tore open the second hold-all, and before the Boy could utter a cry of protest, more collars, handkerchiefs, brushes, and little horrors of every description peppered the earth.

Let me see: three bags, a valise, a hold-all, a portmanteau, two hatboxes, a camping sack, a case of books, and a handbag. Oh dear, what a collection of things to look after! How I wish we were like the dogs, dear creatures, which grow their own clothes and have only their tails to hold up, or to wag in sign of amity!"

There are many devices for carrying luggage, but for getting a good deal into a small compass there is nothing equal to a big Scotch hold-all. It is waterproof to begin with, and holds more than a small steamer-trunk. It can be strapped in or under the machine anywhere. Trunks and hat-boxes may remain with the express companies, always within a few hours' call.

His pack contained the following articles: A greatcoat, a woolen shirt, two or three pairs of socks, a change of underclothing, a "housewife," the soldiers' sewing-kit, a towel, a cake of soap, and a "hold-all," in which were a knife, fork, spoon, razor, shaving-brush, toothbrush, and comb.

One buys the bedding, with waterproof hold-all for it at almost any shop there is no difficulty about it. January 30. What a spectacle the railway station was, at train-time!

The word was "SNOOKS." Then she got up with a profound sigh, and went to bed. The next morning he said to her meaningly, "I shall hear of you through your friend." Mr. Snooks saw them off from Rome with that pathetic interrogative perplexity still on his face, and if it had not been for Helen he would have retained Miss Winchelsea's hold-all in his hand as a sort of encyclopaedic keepsake.

But Art, which is long-lived, recks little of Time, an evanescent thing. He was enthusiastic over his subject. He would make not one sketch, but two. That lake, like the gates, was worthy of immortality. Of course, the house must come first. He unpacked a canvas hold-all, and soon was busy. He worked with the speed and assured confidence of a master.

"Matthew," Virginia was firm, "something must be done. How can he scale the heights of a great passion carrying that hold-all?" "An empty hold-all isn't so very heavy." "It is if you can't put it down." "Virginia," he said, "your missionary zeal appals me. Why invade the situation? What are you going to tell the man? That he has children?" "No. That he is throwing his life into a cul-de-sac."

She saw Judy's scarlet flush across the table. "Millie," went on Fraulein, "is the owner of a damp-proof hold-all for the bath which is a veritable monument." "Monument?" laughed a German voice apprehensively. "Fancy a monument on your washstand," tittered Jimmie. Fraulein raised her voice slightly, still smiling. Miriam heard her own name and stiffened.

But presently, as she sat on the one antimacassared red silk chair and surveyed her hold-all and bag in that tidy, rather vacant, and dehumanized apartment, with its empty wardrobe and desert toilet-table and pictureless walls and stereotyped furnishings, a sudden blankness came upon her as though she didn't matter, and had been thrust away into this impersonal corner, she and her gear....