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And the young man with the thin volume of poetry stood at the stern watching England receding, looking rather lonely and sad to Miss Winchelsea's eye. And then came Calais and tumultuous novelties, and the young man had not forgotten Miss Winchelsea's hold-all and the other little things.

The hoarse cries were coming nearer and nearer two news vendors trying to outshout each other. "'Orrible discovery near King's Cross!" they yelled exultingly. "The Avenger again!" And Bunting, with his daughter's large straw hold-all in his hand, ran forward into the roadway and recklessly gave a boy a penny for a halfpenny paper. He felt very much moved and excited.

"That has nothing to do with it," said I. "At Marseilles I always eat bouillabaisse on the quay. Fancy eating bouillabaisse in the pouring rain!" As usual, Rogers could not execute the imaginative exercise I prescribed; so he strapped my hold-all with an extra jerk. Now, when homespun London is wet and muddy, no one minds very much.

She and I were much excited at this little outing, in honour of which I had ordered her a new black satin dress. German taste is like German figures, thick and clumsy, and my dear old friend looked like a hold-all in my gift. When we arrived in Berlin I found my room in the hotel full of every kind of flower; and on one of the bouquets was placed the card of our permanent lodger, Mr. Loring.

We went down the road at a thirty-mile clip, made a quick turn at the four corners, and were back almost before the dust we raised had settled. "That's something like," said our host; "but the old horse is a good enough automobile for me." The hold-all was soon strapped in place, and at half-past nine we were off for Pittsfield.

Stick glanced over his shoulder, then shrugged: "She’s ornamental, only she’s got a sad on." But Burley trudged on with his leather hold-all, muttering to himself something about the prettiest girl in the world. The "prettiest girl in the world" continued her way unconscious of the encomiums of John Burley and the critique of Sticky Smith.

There were trunks in the hall, tennis rackets on the stairs; on the landing, the cook Giulietta had both arms around a slippery hold-all that refused to let itself be strapped.

"That's mischief enough, though," he said. "It's time for the veteran to go bye-bye." He took out of his hold-all a Bokhara dressing-gown and a pillow, lay down, and covered himself with the dressing-gown. "Good-night, darling!" he said softly, and sighed as though his whole body ached. And soon a snore was heard. Without the slightest feeling of constraint, she, too, lay down and went to sleep.

"You ARE a chap!" said Constance, and warmed only slowly from the idea of dissuasion to the idea of help. But they did what they could for her. They agreed to lend her their hold-all and a large, formless bag which they called the communal trunk. And Teddy declared himself ready to go to the ends of the earth for her, and carry her luggage all the way.

His back view was immensely respectable, for he stood nearly six feet high, and looked rather like a very proper bald-headed parson. In front it was different, for his Ally Sloper-like head and neck had not a feather to them, and there was a horrible raw-skin pouch on his neck under his chin a hold-all for the things his pick-axe beak might steal.