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At the same time the subconscious flashing and wondering at the name Rhamda Avec surely neither Teutonic nor Sanskrit nor anything between. "Expecting me? Ah, yes. Pardon me if I speak slowly. I am not quite used to speech yet. I see you are interested. After I see Dr. Holcomb I may tell you. However, it is very urgent that I see the doctor.

"So does Thayor, Billy, and it'll be a good many years before he forgets it," declared Jack. "You saved his life, he says. That's one thing he wants to see you for, and another is that he's played out and needs a rest." "Bless me!" cried Brompton in the tragic tones of his profession. "You saved his life, me boy?" Holcomb, for the first time, appeared embarrassed.

What he did not notice, however, was the way the men around him were, to use the Clown's expression, "sizin' him up," as they did all city men and this before he had been ten minutes among them, with the result that the trapper had concluded that he looked like a man who was afraid of spoiling his clothes; that Holcomb and the Clown thought him sadly lacking in Sam Thayor's frank simplicity; while the others stood about waiting for some word or gesture on which to hang their opinions.

"I wonder if Billy's missed his train another Adirondack express late, I suppose." He flicked the ashes from his cigarette and, wheeling sharply, touched a bell. "John," he said, as the noiseless old steward entered. "Yes, Mr. Randall." "Find out at the desk if a Mr. William Holcomb from Moose River has called or telephoned." "Very good, sir."

Still in the roaring darkness the clocks presently announced morning, and a neighbor's boy, breathless, dripping in tarpaulins, was blown against the door, and burst in to say with youthful relish that the porches of the Holcomb house were under water, and the boardwalk washed away, and folks said that the road was all gone betwixt here and the lighthouse.

She fled from him into the house, terror giving speed to her limbs. Upon Holcomb the dictator turned eyes that had grown cold and harsh again. "Welcome, captain, welcome, to the Northern Legion," he said brusquely, offering a gauntleted hand. They went into the house together, Pasquale's arm across the shoulder of the Texan.

He felt like a man who had just received good news. For some moments he paced jauntily up and down, waiting for Holcomb to appear. Alice's sudden change of manner had made him as happy as a boy. It was so extraordinary and so unexpected that he could hardly believe it was true.

Wendel, what is it? Has it really anything to do with father?" I nodded. "I think it has, Miss Holcomb. And I can understand poor Chick. He is a very brave man. It's a strange jewel and of terrible potency; that much I know. It devitalises; it destroys. I can feel it already. It covers life with a fog of decay. The same solitude has come upon myself.

With all this his heavy pack had been badly balanced, so much so that he had been obliged to stop now and then to re-pad the ropes cutting under his armpits with moss Holcomb helping him the straps rescued from three charred pack-baskets being reserved for the heavier loads of the Clown, the trapper, and Holcomb.

Guns popped here and there to ventilate the energy of their owners. Troopers galloped up and down the road in clouds of dust shooting into the air as they rode. Boys who would have run their legs off to obey a whim of Harrison spat contemptuously upon the face of the "Gringo cabrone." Drawn by the hubbub, Captain Holcomb hurried from his house.