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She stood beside him on the porch and looked up into his face. He could see she was shivering a little. "Not to amount to anything," she said. "Aunt Susie has 'em periodically. She'll be all right in a day or two." Joe stood in indecision. There had come a high-pitched, nervous tension into her tone, an eagerness that he did not like. The other thing had vanished.

In teaching, a high-pitched voice is exciting and wearing to children; certain cadences that end on a high note rouse opposition, a monotonous intonation wearies, deeper and more ample tones are quieting and reassuring, but if their solemnity becomes exaggerated they provoke a reaction.

He remembered hearing McIvor tell how the Stonies never went on a hunting expedition without their hymn books and never closed a day without their evening worship. The voices were high-pitched and thin, but from that distance they floated up soft and sweet.

Through the door came a torrent of high-pitched speech. "Yer little tough, reform! reform! What yer mean by such carryings-on? I know yer record. Beware of God, little devil...." On and on it went, and Rhona, dazed, wondered what new terror it foreboded. But then without warning the talk switched. "Yer know who I am?" "Who?" quavered Rhona. "The matron." "Yes?" "I divorced him, I did." "Yes."

From within came the sounds of men's voices raised in a high-pitched, gabbling altercation. Turning swiftly to an imaginary audience, his expressive young countenance contorted into a grimace of unholy glee, the listener flung aloft his arms and blithely executed a few noiseless steps of an impromptu war-dance. "They're at it again!" he muttered ecstatically.

Upon that he inflated his cheeks, ruffled up his sandy hair, turned red in the face like a man who has been through a fight, and cried in strange, querulous, high-pitched accents: "Hi! What were you doing just now? Long-legged devil that you are, I have no further use for you I do not intend to work with you any more. So you can go."

As the activity of the growing night increased, high-pitched voices of cowboys who called figures of the dances quavered above the confusion of sounds, a melancholy note in the long-drawn syllables that seemed a lament for the waste of youth, and a prophecy of desolation.

As for Flossie, she, too, was a little frightened, but Freddie did not seem at all alarmed. "Is it somebody come to take the boat away from us?" he asked in his high-pitched, childish voice. "If it is don't let 'em, papa." They all laughed at this even Mr. Bobbsey, and he turned to look around, half way up the stairs, saying: "No, Freddie, I won't let them take our boat." "Pooh!

Hicks began to speak in a high-pitched voice which broke now and again as her bosom heaved after past tears. "The awnly son of his mother, an' she a widow wummon; an' theer 's no Christ now to work for the love of the poor. I be shattered wi' many groans an' tears, Chris Blanchard, same as you be.

The high-pitched sinister yelps sounded from behind him as the eager dogs closed up, putting forth every effort to end the race before the wolves reached the choppy badland breaks at the far edge of the flat. Shady's pace was lagging, and they gained the first gulch of the broken country a bare fifty yards ahead of the leading hound.