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"Ye needna cry oot like that at guid cauld watter," said Janet. "But ye'll jist absteen frae ony mair sic words i' my hearin', or ye s' get the like ilka time ye brak oot." As she spoke, she knelt, and wiped his face and head with her apron. A fresh oath rushed to Angus's lips, but the fear of a second jugful made him suppress it, and Janet sat down again to her dinner.

"'They tell me you're a married man, he sez, puffing slow at his poipe. 'Are ye happy? "'I will be whin I get back to Depot, I sez. ''Tis a reconnaissance honeymoon now. "'I'm married too, he sez, puffin' slow an' more slow, an' stopperin' wid his forefinger. "'Sind you happiness, I sez. 'That's the best hearin' for a long time.

So, while there is a kind o' mist in Father's eyes, I can see he is dreamin'-like of sweet an' tender things, and a-com-munin' with memory, hearin' voices I never heard an' feelin' the tech of hands I never pressed; an' seein' Father's peaceful face I find it hard to think of a Thanksgivin' sweeter than Father's is.

There wa'n't no heads, no fustlys nor sec'ndlys, nor fin'ly bruthrins, but the first thing I knowed I was hearin' a story, an' 't was a fishin' story.

When did you come? 'Why I came he is turned round, and shoved out o' hearin. 'Xanthian marbles at the British Museum are quite wonderful; got into his throat, the doctor turned him upside down, stood him on his head, and out it came his own tunnel was too small. 'Oh, Sir, you are cuttin' me. 'Me, Miss!

For the first mile or two there was a good deal of talk, and Bill said he knew that Lime could whip the whole crowd. "But where was you, Bill, about the time they had me down? I don't remember hearin' anything of you 'long about that time, Bill." Bill had nothing to say. "Made me think somehow of Daniel in the lions' den," said Johnny. "What do you mean by that, Johnny?" said Bill.

I won't have no such inflammable and dangerous things about me on no account. When the British wanted our folks to join in the treaty to chock the wheels of the slave trade, I recollect hearin' old John Adams say, we had ought to humour them; for, says he, 'They supply us with labour on easier terms, by shippin' out the Irish. Says he, 'They work better, and they work cheaper, and they don't live so long.

She raised her voice in a call as unexpectedly strong and vibrant as her laugh. "Susie! Eddie! Did they answer? I'm gittin' that hard o' hearin' 'tis hard for me to make out." "Yes, they hollered back," said the other. "An' I see 'em comin' through the pasture yonder. I guess they got their pails full by the way they carry 'em." "That's good," said Mrs. Pritchard with satisfaction.

But what I says is this: It ain't no s'prisin' thing when Tucson Jennie, a- hearin' of them pronounced attentions which you pays this towerist lady, is filled with grief. This shootin' up an Injun, cause he's plannin' to wed this female some, is what I shorely calls pronounced attentions. What do you think yourse'f, Peets? "'Why! I readily concedes what Dave says, remarks Peets.

He remained at the pig-sty until Sam'l left the farm, when he joined him at the top of the brae, and they went home together. "It's yersel, Sanders," said Sam'l. "It is so, Sam'l," said Sanders. "Very cauld," said Sam'l. "Blawy," assented Sanders. After a pause "Sam'l," said Sanders. "Ay." "I'm hearin' ye're to be mairit." "Ay." "Weel, Sam'l, she's a snod bit lassie." "Thank ye," said Sam'l.