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These objects being discussed, the visitor should repair to the glass case at the end of the room, and examine some small curiosities from the Xanthian Acropolis, which are placed therein.

A curious relic is the Soros, discovered placed on the top of one of the Xanthian pillar tombs. Here, amongst the bas-reliefs, the visitor will notice a man stabbing an erect lion; a lion playing with its young; and a figure on horseback followed by a pedestrian; and on the next fragment , a lioness is again represented fondling her progeny.

The collection of sculpture now popularly known as the Xanthian marbles, are a few ruins gleaned from the rocky eminence which is the site of ancient Xanthus.

Passing a few fragments, including that marked , from Xanthus, which represents the foreparts of two lions issuing from a square block, the visitor should pass at once to the model of a Xanthian Ionic peristyle building, surrounded by fourteen columns and ornamented with statues, made under the direction of Sir Charles Fellows, from the remains found on the site of the original building, which lie about the room, and which the visitor is about to examine.

After the destruction of the city, there was found a woman who had hanged herself with her young child hanging from her neck, and the torch in her hand, with which she had fired her own house. It was so tragical a sight, that Brutus could not endure to see it, but wept at the very relation of it, and proclaimed a reward to any soldier that could save a Xanthian.

When Pompey conquered the pirates, he destroyed fifteen hundred ships of the line. The Xanthian parapets were tore down. Brutus, suspecting that his troops were plundering, commanded the trumpets to sound to their colours. Most people understood the act of attainder passed by the senate. The Numidian troopers were unlikely in their appearance. The Numidians beat up one quarter after another.

These fragmentary remains of an ancient people consist chiefly of sculptures from their temples and their tombs; upon which, like the Egyptians, they appear to have expended a vast amount of labour, and to have employed their greatest artists. The Greek mind is clearly traceable in these Xanthian marbles, the Greek imbued with local traditions and feelings.

Io, Io Paean! slowly. Song and oar must chime together: Io, Io Paean! by what title call Apollo! Clarian? Xanthian? Boedromian? Countless are thy names, Apollo, Io Carnee! Io Carnee! By the margent of Eurotas, 'Neath the shadows of Taeygetus, Thee the sons of Lacedaemon Name Carneus. Io, Io! Io Carnee! Io Carnee! Io, Io Paean! quicker. Song and voice must chime together: Io Paean! Io Paean!

When did you come? 'Why I came he is turned round, and shoved out o' hearin. 'Xanthian marbles at the British Museum are quite wonderful; got into his throat, the doctor turned him upside down, stood him on his head, and out it came his own tunnel was too small. 'Oh, Sir, you are cuttin' me. 'Me, Miss!

The first object that will attract the visitor's attention on entering the room, is the most remarkable of called the Harpy Tomb. This tomb, which occupied the highest point of the hill on which Xanthus stood, is described by Sir Charles Fellows in his account of the Xanthian marbles, published in 1843. The tomb was a square shaft, in one solid block, weighing no less than eighty tons.