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He witnessed my emotions when he spoke as he should not have spoken to ME. But I must make allowances for his unregenerate state. He was cold, and wet, and hungry last night, and men are unreasonerble at such times. I shall now heap coals of fire upon his head. I shall show that I am a meek, forgiving Christian woman, and he will relent, soften, and become penitent.

I couldn't work in silk stockings with silver clocks, and sleeves with lace ruffles, and ever so many yards of silk bundled up of a heap behind me. I like gowns I can live in. I've had this on a bit over three times, Hatty." "I should think so, Aunt!" said Hatty, laughing something like her old self. "Why, I remember your making it the winter before last. Did not I run the seams?"

"She's just struck of a heap with a lame shoulder such as she has sometimes. She can't move a peg, poor soul!" "Great Scott! That's hard luck! Then since you're short-handed, I shall be more bother than I'm worth round here. I'd better have stayed where I was. You won't want any extra people to look out for and feed now, I fancy."

"Ef a minister had made a slip an' tried hard to hide it an' then hed it proved on him he wouldn't like it an' his church members wouldn't like it an' his high class friends. There'd be a heap er trouble." "Number 89," said Latimer. "You see I was speaking the truth. This is the gate; I am going in."

Being occupied all day and nearly all night upon business which brings me a heap of worries and next to no profit, I have no chance to look after my things. Thieves have entered my room, stolen everything, and left me an empty box. I am once again almost without clothes, and know not where to turn to make that figure necessary for the fulfilment of my duties. You see, I am not lucky.

'Thou liest, said Penny-thumb; 'they took little and left none. Thereat all men laughed, for this seemed to them good game, and another man said: 'Well, neighbour Penny-thumb, if it was so little, thou hast done unneighbourly in giving us such a heap of trouble about it.

'What were you all talking about me, my dear? said the genial young man when he had finished his crowing and resumed human manners. 'Why what's the matter, he went on. 'You look struck all of a heap. Mr. Miller spread an aspect of concern over his own face, and drew a chair up to the fire. 'O mother, would you tell Mr. Miller, if he don't know?

The walls were decorated by painted panels representing the history of the town, and so large were these that in one bay there was erected the entire front of an old wooden house which had been pulled down in the town, gable and all. And all this is a heap of ruins. Whether any portion of it can ever be repaired I do not know, but the cost would be fabulous.

Thus for three hundred years he lay gloating over his treasure, no man disturbing him. But now at length it chanced that the fleeing slave lighted upon the hoard. His eyes were dazzled by the shining heap. Upon it lay a cup of gold, wondrously chased and adorned.

Shrimplin impressively, "you'd look for a little respect in your own home." "I'd be a heap quicker telling about it," said Mrs. Shrimplin. Mr. Shrimplin turned to Custer. "I guess, you're thinking it was a burglar; but, sonny, it wasn't no burglar so you got another guess coming to you," he concluded benevolently. "I know!" cried Custer. "Some one's been killed!" "Exactly!" said Mr.