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"She has visited more or less in Baltimore, where she has been very much admired." "Why 'has been'?" queried Burns. "She doesn't look like a 'has-been' to me. More like very much of a 'now-and-here' eh?" "I mean only that since she has been thrown upon her own resources she has applied herself closely to the study of photography, and has been little seen in society."

"And if inside six months you don't see three hundred thousand Italian soldiers carrying Phillipson's best," he informed me, "I'll take a back seat and let young Jim Furman, who thinks I'm a has-been and he's the one white hope, begin to draw my pay. You can't beat those rifles. When the boys get to carrying them, old Francis Joseph's ghost'll weep.

"Your ignorance of the feminine heart surprises me." "Herschell was prettier when she was a brunette." "Qui Mariam absolvisti Et latronem exaudisti Mihi quoque spem dedisti." "I must be off to lunch." "Do you know anyone who knows the Minister?" "Durville is a has-been. He blows like a grampus." "Put me in a little paragraph about Marie Falempin.

"A Senator, a United States Senator, hugging a broken-down old 'has-been! What is the world coming to?" Haines suddenly paused. "I wonder if it can be a pose; merely for effect. It's getting harder every day to tell what's genuine and what isn't in this town." Haines quickly walked over and touched the Southerner on the arm.

I'm fully aware, now that the war is ended, that as a has-been General who rose from the ranks, I have no marketable value. I have no specialized training to offer to a commercial world which calls for experts. The only knowledge that I have to sell is the old knowledge that you used to purchase. My house of cards has collapsed.

Porter after a pause. "A has-been. I used to be a middle, but mother kicked, and I quit. All through taking a blue eye home! Wouldn't that jar you?" "I have no doubt you intend to be explicit " "Not on your life!" protested Steve. "I may be a rough-neck, but I've got me manners. I wouldn't get explicit with a lady." Mrs. Porter sat down. "We appear to be talking at cross-purposes," she said.

He plugged on for many Moons, keeping his Eye on that Roll-Top Desk, for the Manager was getting into the Has-Been Division and he knew there would be a Vacancy. At last the House gave the old Manager the Privilege of retiring and living on whatever he had saved. "Ah, this is where Humble Merit gets its Reward," said the Patient Toiler. "I can see myself counting Money."

He agrees to that and inside of half an hour we've pushed through a mob of would-be and has-been chorus females and have squeezed into the little coop where Whitey presides important behind a big double-breasted roll-top. And when I explains how Mr. Robert is an old friend of Penrhyn's, and is actin' for the heart-broken mother and the weepin' fiancée as well, Whitey shakes his head solemn.

"Pretty good for a club-footed has-been cow puncher." "I wish you wouldn't call yourself such names," rejoined Columbine, peevishly. "You're not a club-foot. I hate that word!" "Me, too. Well, joking aside, I'm better. My foot is fine. Now, if I don't hurt it again I'll sure never be a club-foot." "You must be careful," she said, earnestly. "Sure. But it's hard for me to be idle.

Hearing an automated voice telling him of a disconnected number, he cowered into the crowd and seemed to wither there. He envisaged this as if it could be transcribed into art and as if he, a retired has-been who had merely reproduced whores and slight thematic variations of them, were the right one to depict it.