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Some projects, like DOI: The Digital Identifier System, an identification system for digital media, will enable automated copyright management systems. Another problem is format harmonization, to allow the downloading of the texts by any hardware and software. Many organizations are involved in research relating to digital libraries.

Hearing an automated voice telling him of a disconnected number, he cowered into the crowd and seemed to wither there. He envisaged this as if it could be transcribed into art and as if he, a retired has-been who had merely reproduced whores and slight thematic variations of them, were the right one to depict it.

Max was still dogged. "Unless you can add to those shares of stock, it's pretty drab, captain. You wouldn't know." Joe said, "Why don't you work? A Lower can always add to his stock by working." Max stirred in indignity. "Work? Listen, sir, that's just one more field that's been automated right out of existence. Category Food Preparation, Sub-division Cooking, Branch Chef.

Applicable technologies include automated language translators, interactive and autonomous computer simulations, advanced database systems for organizing and understanding data and transactions of individuals and institutions, and computerized educational systems for training and learning these skills. Collecting sufficient and timely environmental information is crucial to Rapid Dominance.

DOI: The Digital Object Identifier System is an identification system for intellectual property in the digital environment. Developed by the DOI Foundation on behalf of the publishing industry, its goals are to provide a framework for managing intellectual content, link customers with publishers, facilitate electronic commerce, and enable automated copyright management.

The Nautilus cruised beneath the waters almost continuously. When it rose briefly to the surface to renew our air, the hatches opened and closed as if automated. No more positions were reported on the world map. I didn't know where we were. I'll also mention that the Canadian, at the end of his strength and patience, made no further appearances.

Among these you have one or two who can possibly repair an I.B.M. machine, but is there one who can smelt iron, or even locate the ore? We have others who could design an automated textile factory, but do any know how to weave a blanket on a hand loom? "The first generation gets along well with the weapons and equipment brought with them from Earth. They maintain the old ways.

In general terms, the MARC communication format is intended to be: " hospitable to all kinds of library materials; sufficiently flexible for a variety of applications in addition to catalogue production; and usable in a range of automated systems." Over the years, however, despite cooperation efforts, several versions of MARC emerged, e.g.

At least she liked the place, "Amalgamated's Country Gentleman Estate Spacious, Yet fully Automated." "We are," the Old Man told Ben when he was given the Company-assigned quarters, "starting a new trend. With the terrific decline in birth rate during the past 90 to 100 years, you'll be astonished at how much room there is out there. No reason for everyone to live in the suburban centers any more.

These worrying trends were attributed to "the soaring cost of developing high-tech products ... as only one of the reasons why technological choice is on the wane, as one or two firms emerge as the sole suppliers. ... Maturing technology can quickly become de-skilled as automated tools get developed so designers can harness the technology's power without having to understand its inner workings.